Книга - Efficient technologies in railway transport


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Efficient technologies inrailway transport
Igor Shapkin

Vadim Shmal

Pavel Minakov

Igor Shapkin Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorRUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT)Pavel Minakov Ph. D. Associate ProfessorRUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT)Vadim Shmal Ph. D. Associate ProfessorRUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT)

Efficient technologies inrailway transport

Igor Shapkin

Pavel Minakov

Vadim Shmal

Igor Shapkin,2022

Pavel Minakov,2022

Vadim Shmal,2022


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The state and prospects ofdevelopment ofthe transportation process management system inrailway transport inthe conditions ofreform are considered. The analysis ofthe world processes ofeconomic development is given, effective ways oftransition tolandfill technologies for managing the transportation process, modern systems for organizing car traffic and train schedules, systems for operational planning oftrain and freight work and integration technologies, improving the quality ofdispatching control on railways are presented. Modern approaches tothe organization and technology oflocal work inthe context ofthe development ofthe vertical management system are presented. The advantages ofthe state approach tothe system oftrain safety inrailway transport are shown. The experience ofeffective management oflocomotives inthe conditions ofthe Traction Resource Management Center, as well as the introduction ofintelligent transport systems inrailway transport and the economic efficiency oftechnology and transportation management on railways is presented.

Railway transport inRussia occupies aleading place inthe development ofthe countrys economy, providing full, timely and high-quality satisfaction ofpassenger and freight traffic. Railways link together territories, cities and regions into asingle state Russia.

The reforms carried out inrailway transport are aimed at the long-term development ofthe industry, the introduction ofnew innovative technologies based on intelligent processes using the latest telecommunication systems, GLONASS, optimization management methods that can significantly improve the quality oftransportation, train safety, competitiveness, innovation and efficiency ofrailway transport.

The most important strategic task is toimplement the implementation ofthe strategy ofthe Railway Transport Development Program until 2030. The basis ofits execution is toimprove the quality ofoperational activities and optimize transportation management. Inthe development strategy ofthe Russian Railways Holding, the basic values are: customer orientation, professionalism, innovation and efficiency, implemented through full satisfaction ofcustomer needs based on the provision ofquality services that meet international standards.

Byimplementing the business as an organization offreight transportation, JSC Russian Railways ensures the formation ofanew line oftransport products and an increase inthe level ofcustomer service.

An important management tool is the creation ofaCentral Traffic Management Directorate, whose main tasks are the continuous improvement oftransportation management technology, the most productive use ofcar fleets and locomotives, optimization ofinfrastructure loading, taking into account the performance ofmaintenance and repair work. The creation ofthe structure should be continuously replenished with new technologies ofthe transportation process, be adequate tothe requirements ofthe market economy at all levels ofmanagement.

The solution ofthe above problems primarily depends on the level oftransport science, the effectiveness ofwhich depends on the development ofits connection with practice. This is especially important for such akey industry as rail transport. Many scientific ideas, technical developments, complex calculations, technological solutions oftransportation management processes, which allows them tobe applied more reasonably inthe practice ofrailway operations, toobtain asignificant economic effect.

The implementation ofthe goals inthe field ofdevelopment and implementation ofeffective technologies and modern methods ofsolving operational problems inrailway transport are set out inthis book.


1.1Results ofstructural reform inrailway transport

The Government ofthe Russian Federation has approved aProgram ofstructural reform inrailway transport, which predetermined the large-scale transformations ofJSC Russian Railways.

The market changes ofthe nineties determined the need for aradical revision ofthe model ofthe entire railway industry, and the deterioration ofassets wagons, locomotives, infrastructure required urgent action.

The program provided for anumber ofsteps aimed at ensuring the sustainability ofthe railways as the basis ofthe unified transport system ofthe country, improving the safety, quality and accessibility ofservices provided and reducing the cost oftransportation.

Railway workers have no way tostop the entire system or any part ofit for along-term reconstruction, demolish the old facilities and build new ones intheir place. It is no secret that, unlike other industries, railway reform is carried out, infact, on aliving technological organism, and the classic principle ofdo no harm is not just words here.

That is why, along with large-scale changes and the formation ofanew industry environment, the continuity ofthe best technologies, managerial experience and responsibility, labor and cultural traditions that have been formed throughout the history ofthe development ofrailways inRussia has been ensured over the past years.

Today, the effects oftransformations on Russian railways are obvious.

But this stage ofthe reform proved at the same time that inany transformation one cannot rely only on market mechanisms. The spontaneous formation ofthe operator business without dialogue with railwaymen, legislators and regulators led toarapidly formed surplus offreight cars, failures inthe transportation process, additional loads on infrastructure, an increase inempty mileage, and then tothe collapse ofthe economic efficiency ofthe operators themselves. But this could have been avoided bylegitimizing the rights and responsibilities ofmarket participants intheir interaction with the carrier and the owner ofthe infrastructure.

Huge efforts and resources were directed byJSC Russian Railways tooptimize the model ofacarrier without wagons that has no analogues inthe world, toreturn the efficiency ofthe transportation process toacceptable parameters.

Acompletely new transportation management system was gradually formed on the network, adapted tothe targeting ofprivate empty wagons, tothe multiplicity ofoperators, tothe fragmentation oftheir logistics schemes. At the same time, aconstructive dialogue with operators, cargo owners and regional leaders is being built at various sites. Today there is an understanding that such adialogue provides an increase inefficiency for all participants inthe process. Thanks tothe support ofthe State, the transport legislation has been improved. All this made it possible toincrease the level ofcar traffic routing toits maximum value more than 50%, optimize the operation ofmarshalling yards, increase the speed and reliability ofdelivery, and the weight ofafreight train.

Taking into account the difficulties with which the stage ofliberalization ofthe market for the provision ofrailcars took place, JSC Russian Railways is extremely balanced about reforming the locomotive complex.

Locomotive industry is probably one ofthe most technically complex and capital-intensive inthe industry, more than 30% ofall resources are concentrated here. Today it is asystem ofindependent structures united bythe logic ofcontractual relations. Traction Directorate, Traction Rolling Stock Repair Directorate, design bureau, service companies, locomotive repair and locomotive-building plants provide verified management ofthe entire process ofthe locomotive life cycle.

Thanks tothe transformations carried out, it became possible toassess the real impact ofeach division on reliability, traffic safety, and economic performance oftraction when optimizing locomotive management mechanisms byeliminating intermediate links.

Aqualitative breakthrough inthe work ofthe traction complex came when, with the support ofthe Government ofthe Russian Federation, domestic locomotive construction was actually restored, and the volume ofpurchases ofnew locomotives increased from several dozen toeight hundred units per year.

Today, the entire necessary line ofmodern and efficient locomotives has been created electric locomotives Ermak, Granit, Donchak, mainline locomotives, shunting locomotives, locomotives running on gas fuel are being tested.

New solutions have been developed tochange the structure ofrepair cycles, the list and frequency ofwork. Amodel ofan optimized four-link locomotive repair system has been tested, including maintenance, current, depot and factory repairs. Already at the pilot project stage, this makes it possible toreduce operating costs byup to23%, and use the saved funds toimprove the quality and reliability oflocomotives.

Asignificant renewal ofthe locomotive fleet and the appearance ofcars with improved characteristics predetermined the development ofnew, previously inaccessible technologies related tothe organization ofheavy traffic.

Inaddition, special attention should be paid tothe integration ofheavy traffic with the technologies ofthe access roads oflarge enterprises. Systematic work is needed toprepare loading and unloading sites, weighing facilities, car dumpers, greenhouses. And it is carried out inclose cooperation with the local executive authorities, owners ofnon-public roads, shippers and consignees.

The preservation ofaunified railway production infrastructure and centralized dispatching control has become abasic principle inthe Structural Reform Program.

Production verticals were created, which covered the entire range ofissues ofmaintenance and repair ofthe track, energy, signaling and communications. Currently, the tasks ofinfrastructure management, ensuring its technical readiness for the transportation ofgoods and passengers are successfully solved bythe company.

These steps made it possible toradically revise approaches toinfrastructure repair technology. Today, its key principles are high quality planning ofrepair windows and the choice ofpriority sites for their implementation.

Toimprove the production discipline, the Automated system for analyzing the planning and execution ofwindows has been significantly improved with the inclusion ofblocking functions init incase oftechnology violation at the stages ofpreparation for windows. And the next stage should be the transition toathree-year planning period for the overhaul and reconstruction ofrailway lines.

Consistent work on reforming the industry has made it possible toform along-term state policy inthe field ofinfrastructure investment.

Despite the slowdown ineconomic growth inthe country, the forecasts ofRussias long-term socio-economic development are quite positive, which means that the cargo base will increase.

One ofthe key areas ofthe companys work is the development ofinfrastructure for passengers. The experience ofinteraction ofJSC Russian Railways with the leadership ofMoscow and the Moscow region has shown that the development ofrailway transport infrastructure for suburban and urban passenger transportation is possible only if there is an interest ofthe subject ofthe Russian Federation. Currently, JSC Russian Railways is successfully developing the Moscow transporthub.

During the period ofindustry reform, aspecial role belongs tothe transportation process management system. It is this complex that bears the main responsibility for the implementation ofthe key task ofmeeting the growing demand for services provided byrail transport. Today, it can be argued that the company has been able toadapt tonew conditions, becoming more flexible inproviding technological processes when interacting with our partners.

First ofall, the approach tothe formation ofthe main document ofthe organization oftransportation activities the train schedule has changed.

The balance ofinterests ofpassengers ofhigh speed, passenger and suburban trains with the interests ofshippers and consignees is put inthe first place when developing schedules for various categories offreight trains.

Synchronization ofthe timing ofthe introduction ofanew timetable and the approval ofthe annual budget ofJSC Russian Railways eliminated many problems ofinconsistency oftheir parameters. Now these key documents begin toact simultaneously, and not with agap ofsix months, as it was before.

The created traffic management vertical has consistently reformed the transportation management system. Traffic control centers have appeared, where today all the necessary means and technologies oftraffic control are concentrated within the boundaries ofroads. This made it possible tosignificantly reduce the load on the dispatching apparatus. Thanks tonew information systems, the average length ofdispatching stations has increased byalmost athird.

However, inorder tofurther improve the quality oftransportation activities, new, landfill technologies were needed, the first step ofwhich was the creation ofseven traction resource management centers. Their task, at the current stage, was towork out the principles ofmanaging the locomotive fleet on elongated shoulders and create end-to-end technology no longer within the boundaries ofroads, but at longer technological ranges. Today, the principles oflandfill management are planned tobe implemented on other important elements ofthe transportation process routing ofcar traffic, end-to-end technology for conducting windows, aplan for the formation and organization oftrain traffic.

At the same time, at all stages oftechnological transformations, the most important role belongs torailway stations as akey management link. It is here that the production processes ofall verticals are connected into asingle whole traffic, infrastructure, traction, service provision, therefore, the powers and responsibilities ofstation managers as managers and coordinators should be strengthened.

Marshalling yards, which were called route factories byour grandfathers, were, are and will be the basis for the uninterrupted operation ofthe network. This definition is still relevant today.

The company has adopted and is implementing aProgram for the development ofmarshalling yards ofJSC Russian Railways until 2025. This is astrategic document defining aten-year perspective and targets for the development oftraffic volumes, the stages ofmodernization ofpre-node stations, the transition from the information regime ofautomated systems tothe development ofcontrol solutions.

Today, the network loads and unloads more than 100thousand wagons every day. Everything connected with the provision ofloading and unloading, with the planning ofcargo transportation, is included inthe range ofpriority tasks toimprove the operation ofthe station complex. It is very important here that the stations become asingle center ofresponsibility for the quality ofthese processes, for effective interaction with shippers on the ground. And this approach will be implemented instages.

All the tasks that Russian Railways Holding solves inthe field oftechnology should be focused on the needs ofthe client, ensuring the competitiveness and quality ofour services.

The logistics companies that are part ofthe holding actively develop comprehensive services, provide the organization ofintermodal transportation not only inthe Russian, but also inthe international transport market. Together with the Center for Branded Transport Services, these companies carry out purposeful work tocreate acomfortable technological environment for shippers through coordination ofinteraction, reduction ofpaperwork, creation ofaCRM system, cataloging ofservices. This year, the number ofdocuments that aclient needs toissue inorder toaccess transportation services has decreased from several dozen tofour.

The evaluation ofthe work bythe largest community ofcustomers passengers, ofcourse, is especially important for the company. JSC Russian Railways conducts comprehensive work toimprove passenger service.

The railway stations have also changed qualitatively today they increasingly meet the requirements ofthe time, and this work continues.

It is possible tointerest apassenger inrailway transport services, first ofall, strictly observing the timetable.

It must be remembered that the development ofthe transportation management process requires new approaches towork with huge information flows.

At the present stage, information technologies have already provided asignificant qualitative step inmanagement, but their potential is far from being exhausted. Anew requirement for information systems is the economic assessment ofdecisions made.

Thanks tothe AS-Model system, for the first time, an integrated approach tothe formation ofthe optimal option for passing trains based on acomparison ofthe cost ofinfrastructure sections has been provided. Within the framework ofthis development, planning tasks are solved, both long term (capital investments) and short-term for technological aspects ofoperational work inthe form ofan optimal, cost-calculated plan for passing car traffic through the network.

And ofcourse, the development oftechnology is impossible without modern information management systems. Aspecial place among such projects ofthe company is occupied bythe Unified intelligent control system and automation ofproduction processes inrailway transport ISUZHT. The main purpose ofits creation is toincrease the economic efficiency ofthe Russian Railways holding through the implementation ofcoordinated management and aunified information model describing end-to-end production processes. The essence ofthe project is tocreate an automated decision support center that allows you tomanage production processes inreal time, planning, modeling and predicting the development ofsituations ingeneral.

The result ofthe work carried out will be the achievement ofthe target parameters set bythe holdings Development Strategy until 2030.

The state is the sole shareholder ofJSC Russian Railways, and, ofcourse, the solution ofstate tasks is the main priority. At the same time, the company, as acommercial organization, is obliged towork profitably. It should have resources for development, opportunities tooffer customers new attractive transport products.

Tosolve these problems, aprogram was developed tooptimize operational and investment activities. The achievement ofthe program parameters is ensured through the implementation ofmeasures aimed at improving the efficiency ofthe use oftraction rolling stock, the introduction oflandfill technologies, increasing the level ofrouting, the quality ofwork ofmarshalling yards, increasing labor productivity, improving procurement activities, etc. Particular attention is paid tothe issues ofreducing unproductive losses arising at the junctions ofinteraction between production units. Here, the company uses both technological and economic incentive measures, for example, through asystem for monitoring the execution ofwork orders between production units.

The company will have tosolve the issues offurther efficiency improvement through the introduction ofnew technologies, technical and management solutions inthe organization ofthe transportation process. Reserves are actively used inexpanding the possibilities ofcombining professions, inorganizing the work oflocomotive crews inone person. The quality ofrepair ofinfrastructure facilities is improving, including through the use ofprogressive repair methods, tightening the conditions for commissioning. Serious attention is paid tothe efficiency ofusing low-intensity lines.

The main principle is that every ruble spent and invested should benefit and work for the efficiency ofthe industry.

The implementation ofthe tasks set bythe Structural Reform Program has shown that the company is able todevelop and adapt tothe needs ofthe market. This is demonstrated bythe analysis ofthe performance indicators ofRussian and foreign railways. The load load on the network ofJSC Russian Railways is the second inthe world after China, and it is almost 9times higher than inGermany. With the length ofthe network two times less than inthe USA, Russian railways provide cargo turnover comparable tofirst-class roads inNorth America, where there is practically no passenger traffic, and passenger traffic volumes are 2times higher than such passenger-oriented systems as the railways ofFrance and Germany. It is obvious that Russian railways have their own unique path ofdevelopment, taking into account the scale ofthe technological, technical, economic and social challenges facing the industry.

1.2Vertical traffic control development based on scientific and technical achievements and informatization

Historically, the railway transportation process management system consisted of4levels: divisions ofthe Companys central office relevant services inthe railway administration departments inrailway departments railway stations. Each ofthese divisions, starting from the transportation services inthe departments ofroads, was indual subordination: functionally tothe department oftransportation Management, and administratively tothe heads ofthe railway and departments. Such amanagement mechanism led tocontradictions insolving the companys strategic tasks set at the central level and tactical ones at the regional level.

Toeliminate these contradictions, the implementation ofnew solutions inthe transportation process management system, on June 2, 2009, the Board ofDirectors decided tocreate aCentral Directorate ofTraffic Management abranch ofJSC Russian Railways.

The formation ofavertically integrated transportation process management structure inthe context ofthe continuation ofthe structural reform ofthe development ofthe Russian Railways Holding corresponded tothe target model ofthe railway transport services market approved inMay 2007at ameeting ofthe Government Commission on the Development ofIndustry, Technology and Transport.

The creation ofthe Central Directorate ofTraffic Management (hereinafter referred toas the Central Directorate) completed the transition from afour-level train traffic management scheme toathree-level one, primarily due tothe concentration ofthe dispatching apparatus ofregional directorates, while interacting with the other directorates ofthe production unit, the Central Directorate concentrates inits hands the entire complex offunctions related tothe organization and management oftransportation throughout their cycle.

Inthe context ofthe ongoing changes inthe transport market, throughout the entire period ofthe Central Directorates activity, the technological tools used were constantly improved, the management system was consistently developed.

The centralization oftrain traffic management allowed for the introduction ofend-to-end technologies and the application oflandfill traction control principles.

It should be noted that the improvement ofthe management principles inthe Central Directorate has allowed tocreate an effective structure that responds promptly tochanges inthe transport services market.

The development ofacompetitive sector inthe field offreight car operations required new solutions toimprove the efficiency oftransportation. Inthis regard, the formation ofpark management technology has become the most important direction for the Central Directorate.

The result ofthis work was aUnified network technological process, which reflects the key principles ofoptimizing the use ofrolling stock. Inorder toimplement the technological solutions provided for bythe unified network technological process, with the active participation ofthe Central Directorate, the necessary changes tothe transport legislation were formed and initiated. Some ofthem have already been reflected invarious regulatory legal acts.

The improvement ofthe technology and management system ofthe transportation process allowed the directorate tosuccessfully fulfill the tasks set bythe Company. After the completion ofthe branch formation stage, positive dynamics is noted inkey volume and quality indicators.

Being one ofthe key divisions, the Central Directorate actively participated inthe development ofthe Development Strategy ofthe Russian Railways Holding for the period up to2030. Strategic initiatives have been developed toimprove transportation activities, which provide for awhole range ofproduction issues, and their implementation will give significant technological and economic effects.

Thus, inaccordance with the control parameters ofthe state ofthe Russian Railways holding for the period up to2030, one ofthe key indicators ofthe quality ofthe transportation process the share ofcargo shipments delivered on time should be 95percent.

The presented draft Program has been developed taking into account strategic initiatives inthe field oftransportation process management. It identifies five main vectors ofdevelopment ofthe Central Directorate ofTraffic Management, which are decomposed into consolidated measures toensure their implementation.

The first vector is the transition from the regional principles oftransportation process management tothe planning and organization oftrain traffic at the landfills ofthe network.

As noted above, the work on the organization ofthe transportation process within the polygons has been carried out inJSC Russian Railways since 2012, since the creation ofTraction Resource Management Centers. The positive experience oforganizing the work ofthe locomotive complex inthe new conditions confirms the need toconsider the next stage ofoptimizing the transportation process bytransferring train traffic management from the road level tothe landfill.

It should be noted that there are currently several definitions ofthe term polygon. Inparticular, it is understood as apolygon ofthe road, the work oflocomotives and locomotive crews, the following ofheavy trains, etc. Toform unified approaches todetermining the polygon, boundary criteria, determining their optimal number, it is proposed toperform anumber ofscientific works inthis section ofthe Program.

The main task that is being solved within the framework ofthe first section ofthe Program is the transition from the functional management structure tothe construction ofproduction cycles using the principles ofthe process approach.

Taking into account the existing experience inorganizing the work ofthe locomotive fleet, inour opinion, the proposed management model will eliminate the losses existing at the junctions ofroads, will provide additional consolidation ofthe work ofall branches involved intransportation tomeet the main quality indicators ofwork. This is extremely important at the current time, when it is necessary toensure reasonable cost reduction and accelerated revenue growth for the holding.

One ofthe important activities ofthe Program section is the development ofunified technological processes oflandfills linking the work ofthe Dispatch Center for Transportation Management, the Traction Resource Management Center and other enterprises operating at the landfill. When forming them, the principles ofthe process approach will be widely applied, which allow optimizing the activities ofthe main production branches and eliminating individual technological operations that do not participate increating value for customers and do not affect the safety, reliability and quality ofmanagement decision-making.

The transition tolandfill principles oftransportation process management will require updating the list ofexisting quantitative and qualitative indicators. Their new structure should determine not only the work ofthe landfill as awhole, but also the contribution ofeach directorate totheir implementation.

The next step aimed at improving the efficiency ofthe transportation process is the development ofuniform requirements for management facilities located at the landfill, which will ensure the through passage oftrains ofunified mass and length. It is under these requirements that it is necessary toform infrastructure development programs.

Improving the efficiency ofmarshalling yards is also one ofthe most important areas ofthe first block ofmeasures.

Thus, inorder toincrease their processing capacity, inparticular byeliminating recycling, it is proposed toform aprogram for the development ofauxiliary pre-node stations with the transfer ofprocessing oflocal car traffic tothem. Toimprove the efficiency ofthe port stations, it is proposed toform acomprehensive program for the development ofthe infrastructure ofrailway port stations and port infrastructure.

The second vector is the development and implementation ofinformation technologies and modern technical means.

This is one ofthe most important sections ofthe Program, since at present it is the development ofinformation technologies that directly affects the quality ofthe transportation process, from making operational decisions on the organization oftransportation activities toproviding an appropriate analytical base.

One ofthe priority tasks inthe development ofautomated control systems for the transportation complex is the transition from information systems toinformation management systems. The implementation ofthe stated principles laid the foundation for anew project an intelligent railway transport management system. The system under development provides:

automation ofthe forecast ofthe use ofnetwork resources, with the coordination ofthroughput and processing capacities, as well as the technology ofplanning and management oftraction resources, the development oftechnical standards ofoperational work;

mutual linking offully functional automated workplaces ofemployees ofthe Central Directorate;

the transition from solving disparate tasks tointerrelated calculations ofthe formation plan and train schedule, taking into account specific technologies.

That is, the whole complex oftechnologies for managing the transportation process.

The automated system for organizing the movement oftrains on the high-speed Moscow-St. Petersburg route is already solving the tasks ofmonitoring compliance with the technology ofpassing high-speed SAPSAN trains. The successful experience ofoperating the automated train control system ACS-D during the Winter Olympic Games has shown the possibilities ofsolving problems ofautomation ofdispatching control oftrain traffic and route preparation. During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the train schedule exceeded 99% with an average daily circulation ofmore than 200pairs oftrains.

Inthe future, it is proposed togradually introduce this system at all operating sites equipped with dispatching centralization, and with modernization and new construction, this requirement is now laid down inthe technical conditions.

The largest port station Luzhskaya is implementing the most modern technologies and technical means, most ofwhich will be implemented for the first time on Russian railways.

This is adissolution management system that allows organizing the sorting process for one person (the person on duty on the hill), pulling up the cars inthe sorting fleet, managing the locomotive without the participation ofthe driver, aspecial automated mode for the dissolution ofwagons with dangerous goods, electronic document management.

The draft Program assumes the implementation ofmeasures aimed at excluding aperson from the process ofsecuring rolling stock, inspecting trains, both commercially and technically.

Technological effects during the implementation ofthe second block ofmeasures will be achieved byreducing the downtime ofwagons at technical stations, increasing the speed oftransportation, reducing the duration ofpaperwork at loading and unloading stations.

The third vector is the introduction ofacomprehensive system oflocal work management aimed at improving economic efficiency.

Inthis section ofthe Development Program, measures have been developed for two directions improving the efficiency oflocal work and reducing the unprofitability ofinactive lines. They provide for the improvement ofthe technological processes ofthe stations, the transition toeconomic criteria for evaluating local work, the optimization ofresources, the introduction oftechnology toensure commercial reliability ofcargo delivery for the entire route oftheir route.

As part ofthe ongoing work on the categorization ofrailway lines, it is proposed torevise the standards for the technical content ofthe infrastructure, optimizing them depending on the volume ofcargo transportation.

As part ofthe optimization ofthe work ofinactive lines, it is proposed todevelop aprogram for combining professions, when inthe target state, one ofthe employees ofthe locomotive crew must perform the duties ofareceiver, acar inspector, atrain compiler.

Asimilar combination ofprofessions (electrician station attendant) is offered when organizing the passage oftrains and troubleshooting technical means.

The fourth vector is toincrease the level ofinteraction between the vertical oftraffic management and branches included inthe business block Railway transportation and infrastructure.

Improving the efficiency oftransportation process technologies is impossible without the development ofcross-functional connections, their optimization and exclusion ofinefficient ones.

Inorder toincrease the level ofblock production activity and the level ofcustomer orientation ofthe units that are part ofthe business block Railway transportation and Infrastructure, it is planned todevelop regulations defining the order ofannual and monthly planning, taking into account the existing infrastructure capabilities and carrying out the necessary repairs. It is planned toupdate the regulations ofinteraction between branches included inthe business block Railway transportation and infrastructure, taking into account the end ofits formation.

Since 2010, the company has been carrying out purposeful work toimprove the system ofmaterial incentives for labor collectives, aimed at fulfilling the main strategic tasks toimprove work efficiency through asystem ofbonus indicators and performance ofproduction tasks.

Two years ofwork ofthe Regulations on the integrated crew ofthe marshalling yard have shown that the collective form oflabor motivation is an effective tool for stimulating personnel toachieve their tasks, inwhich the amount ofencouragement directly depends on the results ofthe work ofall participants inthe technological process. It is necessary toextend the provision on the integrated brigade toall marshalling yards ofthe network and solve aset ofissues related tothe development ofaunified automated information system for monitoring the performance ofbonus indicators for employees ofintegrated brigades and evaluating the performance ofemployees per shift.

The introduction ofthe Regulation on the integrated dispatching change ofthe railway is aqualitatively new round inthe development ofcollective forms oflabor stimulation, which is based on the competitive principle ofdispatching personnel ofthe Directorate oftraffic Management, infrastructure, track repair and other operational workers ofthe railway landfill, providing the transportation process within its borders.

Inorder tosynchronize the tasks facing the collectives oflinear stations and dispatching personnel, it is necessary toprovide for uniform (end-to-end) bonus indicators inmotivational schemes not only along the verticals offunctional branches, but also other divisions included inthe business block Railway transportation and Infrastructure.

The fifth vector is toincrease the status ofemployees ofthe engineering unit inthe implementation ofthe companys priority tasks.

Today, one ofthe key success factors insolving the strategic tasks ofthe holdings development and increasing labor productivity is the involvement ofengineering workers ininnovative and modernization processes taking place inrailway transport. Specialists with the necessary professional and corporate competencies should act as carriers and conductors ofinnovative ideas that will form the basis ofqualitative changes inthe Russian Railways holding.

This ability must be developed inthe employee throughout the entire period from the moment ofadmission tothe university until the end ofemployment directly at the enterprise. Inaddition, an important role is played bythe process ofemployee satisfaction with the process oftheir work, the possibility ofrealizing their ideas inproduction.

Tosolve this set ofproblems, it is proposed toimplement anumber ofmeasures, such as the introduction ofnew training standards, which will be directly linked toall the developments that are being carried out at Russian Railways. Toidentify the most promising employees and their business qualities, it is proposed toconduct evaluation activities. Toexchange experience, create regional councils ofengineers with periodic forums.

The implementation ofthe Program is aimed at achieving the strategic goals ofthe Russian Railways Holding. The economic assessment was carried out according totwo development options pessimistic and conservative.

Inthe conditions corresponding tothe pessimistic scenario, the following targets are envisaged for the period up to2030: an increase inthe local speed to41.0km/h, the average weight ofafreight train to3,965tons, locomotive performance of2,057thousand tkm. br., the share ofshipments delivered within the regulatory (contractual) period ofat least 91.7%.

The total accumulated (period 20152030) economic effect is estimated at 5.5billion rubles (without the price factor inthe working conditions of2014, regardless ofmarket conditions), including: 3.3billion rubles. rub optimization ofoperating costs and 2.2billion rub reduction offinancial risks ofmaking claims for late delivery ofgoods.

The implementation ofthe Program for the development ofthe vertical traffic control will lead toan annual optimization ofthe need for traction resources byimproving the quality indicators ofthe use ofrolling stock. Tocalculate the economic effect, the parameters ofthe dynamics ofthe average daily performance ofthe locomotive are used as acomplex indicator that takes into account the dynamics ofthe local speed, the average weight ofthe train, the average daily mileage, the budget for the use ofthe locomotive,etc.

The total accumulated effect ofoptimizing operating costs byreducing the need for traction resources (tothe level ofthe previous period) while increasing the average daily productivity ofthe locomotive to2057thousand tkm. gross (corresponds tothe pessimistic scenario ofthe Development Strategy ofthe Russian Railways holding until 2030) is estimated at 3.3billion rubles.

The implementation ofthe Transportation Management Vertical Development Program will lead toareduction infinancial risks for accrued claims for late delivery ofgoods when the delivery reliability level of91.7% is reached by2030(corresponds tothe pessimistic scenario ofthe development ofthe Russian Railways holding until 2030).

The total accumulated effect ofminimizing financial risks on accrued claims for late delivery ofgoods while increasing the level ofreliability to91.7% (corresponds tothe conservative scenario ofthe Strategy developed bythe Russian Railways Holding until 2030) is estimated at 2.2billion rubles.

The implementation ofthe Program inconditions corresponding tothe conservative scenario ofthe development ofthe Russian Railways holding will allow achieving targets for the period up to2030: increasing the local speed to46.5km/h, the average weight ofafreight train of4,200tons, locomotive performance of2,193thousand tkm. br., the share ofshipments delivered within the regulatory (contractual) period is not less than95%.

The total accumulated (period 20152030) economic effect is estimated at 15.4billion rubles (without the price factor inthe working conditions of2014, regardless ofmarket conditions), including: 8.9billion rubles optimization ofoperating costs and 6.5billion rubles. rub reduction offinancial risks ofmaking claims for late delivery ofgoods.

The implementation ofthe Program for the development ofthe vertical traffic control will lead toan annual optimization ofthe need for traction resources byimproving the quality indicators ofthe use ofrolling stock.

The total accumulated effect ofoptimizing operating costs byreducing the need for traction resources (tothe level ofthe previous period) while increasing the average daily productivity ofthe locomotive to2,193thousand tkm. br. (corresponds tothe conservative scenario ofthe Development Strategy ofthe Russian Railways holding until 2030) is estimated at 8.9billion rubles.

The implementation ofthe Transportation Management Vertical Development Program will lead toareduction infinancial risks for accrued claims for late delivery ofgoods when the delivery reliability level of95% is reached by2030(corresponds tothe conservative scenario ofthe development ofthe Russian Railways holding until 2030).

1.3Ways ofbusiness development and customer orientation ofthe Russian Railways Holding

Today, both at the state and corporate levels, there is an increased understanding ofthe need tomove tosetting long-term goals and objectives and forming an integrated strategic management ofproduction processes. Byorder ofthe government, amendments were made tothe Transport Strategy ofthe Russian Federation for the period up to2030, which defined the main goals ofthe development ofthe countrys transport system inmodern macroeconomic conditions, fixed the state policy inthe field ofmanagement and support ofmodes oftransport, including rail. One ofthe key changes was greater customer orientation, consolidation ofrequirements for the quality and reliability ofthe services provided.

Changes also continued inthe strategic management system at Russian Railways. Approved bythe Board ofDirectors ofthe company at the end ofDecember 2013, the strategy ofits development until 2030determined the course for the formation ofavertically integrated transport and logistics holding and building amanagement system for five key business blocks. Due tothe diversification ofactivities, asynergistic effect is formed, bringing the financial result ofthe holding toamuch higher level compared tothe model ofan exclusively infrastructure company. Inearly February 2014The Board ofDirectors ofJSC Russian Railways approved the control parameters ofthe target state ofthe holding for the period up to2030ingeneral and for the main business blocks.

It should be recalled that in2014the work was carried out inconditions ofnon-indexed tariffs, insufficient compensation for unprofitable passenger traffic, changes inthe structure ofcargo and passenger flows. However, the company has once again proved its ability tofulfill the tasks it faces.

Concrete steps have been taken toform asingle window system: adecision has been made toconcentrate anumber offunctions ofcargo and commercial work at the central and regional levels inthe contour ofthe transport and logistics business block. Avertical for passenger transportation management has been created and is already functioning.

Today, the system as awhole is clearly visible. Through the business blocks Transport and Logistics and Passenger transportation, the needs ofcustomers are transformed into the production tasks ofthe holding, and they, inturn, are solved bythe business block Railway transportation and infrastructure.

Interregional and regional coordination councils under the chairmanship ofrailway chiefs play asignificant role inrealizing the logistics potential ofthe holding. Inclose cooperation with regional authorities and transport market participants, issues ofmeeting the demand for rail transportation, attracting additional volumes ofcargo are being resolved, proposals for the provision ofnew transport products are being formed.

The key activity ofthe business blocks Transport and Logistics and Railway transportation and infrastructure should be the expansion ofthe portfolio ofservices provided, which are fixed bythe timetable and the train formation plan as key consolidating documents.

The holding already offers customers not just transportation, but also door-to-door cargo delivery, organization oftransportation ininternational traffic involving several modes oftransport.

Inorder toobtain the maximum synergetic effect, the company is forming an organizational vertical for managing customer orientation and business development for all types ofholding activities with the creation ofaBusiness Development and Customer Orientation Department inthe corporate center. Relying on the powers ofthis department and the processes ofinter-block coordination established byit, it is supposed tomanage the value chain for the client, the quality ofinternal and external services and the mutually coordinated development ofbusiness blocks.

Working inthe new evaluation system, all business blocks and business units, fulfilling their specific indicators, are primarily obliged toensure access tothe general parameters ofdevelopment and efficiency improvement. This is what interaction and coordination inthe holding should be basedon.

The task ofconsolidating car fleets remains relevant. Inrecent years, many technological and management solutions have been worked out inpractice. This allowed us toform an understanding that the solution ofthis problem is possible through the implementation ofarental scheme that will concentrate the management ofparks inone hand.

It is obvious that the Federal Cargo Company, as the largest operator with all the resources and competencies, should become aplatform for the consolidation ofparks. But inorder tostart this process, we need proactive decisions from the regulatory authorities. This is the liberalization ofthe carriage component or the establishment ofarational tariff corridor. Inthe absence ofthese tools, awork model that is effective inrelation totechnology will be non-market and uncompetitive.

So far, we cannot be satisfied with the level ofdevelopment oflandfill technologies. It is obvious that it is impossible tomanage the transportation process within the boundaries oflarge polygons inmanual mode. We need not just an automated, but acontrol system. Inthis regard, Iwould like toonce again draw attention tothe need todevelop such an obviously complex project ofaunified intelligent control system and automation ofproduction processes inrailway transport.

Such projects include the development ofpassenger traffic inthe Moscow transport hub. It is based on services that are really indemand and provides for comprehensive financing from JSC Russian Railways, the federal budget and the funds ofthe city ofMoscow. This is alarge complex project, the experience ofwhich can be used inthe development oflarge agglomerations on the railway network.

Even more difficult are the tasks ofachieving parameters that depend on the coherence ofthe actions ofthree or more business blocks ofthe holding. Inorder toensure abreak-even level inaccordance with the financial plan approved bythe government, it is necessary toreach the target figures for revenue. Inthis regard, although revenues are generated directly inthe transport, logistics and passenger business blocks, the contribution ofthe infrastructure component, including its locomotive part, is largely decisive. At the same time, it is extremely important toensure that the planned indicators are achieved bysubsidiaries, interaction with which should also be carried out based on the priorities ofjoint development ofbusiness blocks.

There are still alot ofproblems inthe infrastructure complex, and first ofall inthe economy ofthe way. Inthis regard, it is necessary toanalyze the management system indetail once again, identify its critical points, strengthen coordination and control over the processes ofrepair and maintenance ofinfrastructure inthe regions.

Ofcourse, ahuge role inthe issues ofsecurity and effective management inthe new conditions belongs tothe social block ofthe holding. The improvement ofthe system ofrecruitment and placement ofpersonnel, the development ofcorporate training ofmanagers and specialists inaccordance with the requirements ofthe time should be continued.

According tothese and other indicators oflong-term development, the Board ofDirectors will evaluate the activities ofthe Russian Railways holding and make decisions on the implementation ofits development strategy.

The formation ofafull-fledged system ofindicators linking customer orientation with the end-to-end processes ofbusiness units, responsibility for their execution will allow achieving asignificant increase inthe efficiency ofthe companys activities, improving the quality oftransport services and making asignificant step insolving the strategic tasks set for Russian Railways.

1.4Innovative activity development inthe management ofthe Russian Railways Holding

The key indicators ofthe companys innovation activity are such indicators as labor productivity growth, the volume and efficiency ofinnovative technical means implemented, energy efficiency ofthe transportation process, the number ofsecurity documents received for the results ofintellectual activity.

Inthe conditions ofadifficult economic situation, the company is forced toreduce the amount offunding for the work provided for bythe scientific and technical development plan. At the same time, the share offunds from the business community and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research attracted for research and development work increases annually.

Inaccordance with the import substitution program, together with the Italian company ESM S.P.A., amulti-station microprocessor centralization system with integrated auto-locking is being created. For the first time, aproject with open source software and acomputer-aided design system is being implemented according toRussian regulatory safety requirements. It is envisaged touse low-maintenance floor equipment ofdomestic production, i.e. the system will have ahigh level ofadaptability. The cost ofits life cycle will be 20% less compared tothe currently supplied microprocessor centralization systems.

The technology oforganizing the movement offreight trains according toenergy-optimal schedules was further developed within the framework oftrain traffic management inthe direction. Asignificant result of2014was the implementation ofend-to-end planning ofthe train schedule and the virtually complete elimination ofquasi-junctions between roads inthe directions from Inskaya station toChelyabinsk-Main and Yekaterinburg-Sortirovochny stations. Currently, more than 1.8thousand locomotives are equipped with devices for informing the driver about the current energy-optimal train schedule, there is an automatic garter for trains oflocomotives and locomotive crews. The use ofthis technology only at the specified landfill gave an annual energy savings ofmore than 120million kWh and ensured the departure offreight trains according tothe schedule at the level of75%, the passage at the level of35%.

One ofthe key areas ofimplementation ofthe companys scientific and technical policy is the introduction ofinnovations inthe infrastructure complex, where the share ofexpenses for transportation activities is about 35% ofthe total. The priority here is toreduce the cost ofthe life cycle ofobjects, provided that the safety ofthe transportation process and ahigh level ofreliability oftechnical means are ensured. Anumber ofinnovative solutions ininfrastructure maintenance are presentedat.

Exactly one hundred years ago, the worlds first track measuring car designed byNikolai Emelyanovich Dolgov went on its first flight. And now Russian engineers are not giving up their positions inthis high-tech segment. Thus, the diagnostic complexes Era and Integral are superior toforeign analogues Archimedes (Italy), IRIS 320(France) both interms ofthe number ofcontrolled parameters and the degree ofautomation ofmanagement and information processing processes. Anew stage inthe development ofmobile diagnostic tools was the first complex for monitoring the infrastructure ofthe Baikal-Amur mainline, created on the basis ofthe 2TE116 diesel locomotive. It replaces several cars ofinfrastructure diagnostics and, most importantly, during the inspection affects the track with an axial load ofup to23.5.

Analysis ofthe prospects for the development ofdiagnostic tools has shown the need toequip the infrastructure ofhigh-speed electric trains Sapsan with diagnostic complexes. Russian specialists are creating an innovative on-board diagnostic system that evaluates the infrastructure ofthe St. Petersburg Moscow line according to76parameters. The beginning offundamentally new technologies ofthe XXI century has been laid, radically changing the structure oftechnical diagnostic tools and repeatedly increasing the efficiency and reliability ofthe information received.

Another example ofthe capabilities ofthe Russian design school is the implementation ofanew approach tosolving the problem ofoptimizing the interaction ofrolling stock and track. The introduction ofan asynchronous traction drive made it possible toreduce both unsprung masses and the impact on the path by50%. The next step is toswitch tosoftware methods. Thus, the use ofanew version ofthe traction converter software developed byspecialists for 2ES10 and 2ES7 electric locomotives has significantly improved anumber ofindicators and reduced the impact ofthe locomotive on the path insmall radius curves byathird.

For the first time on the road network, experimental operation ofwagons with an axial load of27tc began todetermine their impact on the track and artificial structures. The tests carried out on the Kovdor Murmansk section ofthe Oktyabrskaya Railway will be completed inAugust 2015. But it can already be stated with confidence that very interesting results have been obtained, which are extremely important both for the current maintenance ofthe track and for the design ofnew-generation railcars.

The company is actively implementing the regulatory framework ofthe URRAN methodology. Currently, 10interstate and national standards, 14corporate standards, more than 60methodological documents for various farms have been developed. One ofthe examples ofthe effectiveness ofsuch documentation can be the results ofthe introduction ofamethodology developed byour specialists over the entire 1520mm gauge space, which allows us todetermine freight cars tobe decommissioned according tothe reliability and safety indicators ofcast trolley parts. More than 3thousand. The side frames were seized according tothe instructions ofRoszheldornadzor and more than 13thousand more were rejected at technical inspection points, joint work with specialists ofthe railways ofAustria and Switzerland showed our priority inthis area.

Currently, the development ofaregulatory framework for determining the physical deterioration ofinfrastructure facilities is being completed.

URRAN indicators are used inthe preparation ofrequirements for the purchase ofproducts for JSC Russian Railways. It is especially important touse the URRAN methodology tooptimize the planning offacilities for modernization and repair ofthe track inconditions oflack offunding.

The technical regulations ofthe Customs Union stipulate the requirement tohave the necessary set ofoperational and repair documentation for manufactured products already at the certification stage, which meets the interests ofconsumers and will contribute toimproving the level oftrain safety. The company is working on the analysis ofrelated technical regulations being developed and the elimination ofidentified collisions.

Interaction with suppliers will develop interms offurther implementation ofthe IRIS standard, the application ofthe UR-RAS standards inthe organization ofprocurement activities, the creation ofasystem oftechnical audit ofcar repair enterprises ofall forms ofownership inthe countries ofthe Customs Union, and inanumber ofother areas.

The key task inthe quality management unit ofinternal processes is the formation ofthe production system ofJSC Russian Railways, which ensures an increase inthe efficiency ofoperational activities and motivates employees toits continuous improvement. The implementation oflean manufacturing projects, the development ofmetrological support, the accreditation ofthe companys testing centers inthe accreditation system ofRussia and individual ones inthe Dakks system are aimed at this.

One ofthe key components ofquality management ofinternal processes is aclear organization ofmetrological support. Currently, the reorganization ofthe metrological complex has been completed. On all railways there are metrology centers serving all structures ofthe holding.

1.5Information technologies development intransportation process management

The introduction ofprocess principles inthe company requires atransition from the registration and analysis ofindividual events tothe planning and control ofoperational work processes as awhole. The rationing ofprocesses provided for during the modernization ofthe Automated Transportation Operational Management System makes it possible toprevent aviolation oftechnology, and therefore, tobuild an accurate forecast ofthe execution ofoperations and plan optimal solutions for the performance ofoperational tasks byall performers inall areas ofwork with aminimum ofcosts.

The main feature ofthe new system is the presence ofcomponents that allow not only toalgorithmize the execution ofprocesses, but also tooffer their optimal implementation interms ofminimizing the operating costs oftransportation ingeneral. For these purposes, it is planned tobuild asingle database ofall operational work resources, network bandwidth with the most detailed sections and their economic and technical characteristics, the possibility ofcombining adjacent sections for calculations, as well as reporting on any polygons. The automated transportation operational management system consolidates all information flows related totransportation management and is an integration platform for planning and managing processes, their operational control and reporting.

The modern means ofdevelopment and operation ofan Automated Control System, including open-source software, used inthe modernization ofan Automated Transportation Operational Management System, provide asignificant increase inthe performance and fault tolerance ofthe system, as well as reduce the cost ofownership and eliminate dependence on foreign suppliers. Thus, inaddition tosolving business problems, the architecture ofthe Automated Management System and its maintenance technology are simplified, equipment and license costs are reduced, and the groundwork for solving promising tasks is provided.

Due tothe common methodological basis and asingle base ofnormative and reference information, it was possible toensure strict mutual alignment ofvarious parameters and constraints ofoperational work the throughput and carrying capacity ofsections and stations, the cost oftransportation, the duration and number ofwindows, the availability oftraction rolling stock and crews, wagons, formation plan, etc. and perform calculations both for the network as awhole and for any ofits polygons with flexibly changing boundary conditions and optimization criteria.

Currently, the model calculates the optimal passage ofcar traffic at the specified values oftransportation volumes, throughput and processing capacities and unit cost. The skipping ofall correspondence specified bythe plan is simulated, with the minimum cost oftheir transportation over the network. Inthe event ofsituations when car traffic exceeding its capacity is sent tothe site, the model offers such options for bypassing bottlenecks that provide the minimum possible cumulative additional costs.

The analytical subsystem built into the model generates awide range ofreports, such as: bottlenecks; the cost oftransportation; correspondence that the model recommends toskip incircles; correspondence that had totake several different routes. An independent evaluation ofthe effectiveness ofthe solution obtained using the model for the direction ofcar traffic, conducted byspecialists ofJSC NIIAS, showed that the total estimated savings inoperating costs could amount toabout 3billion rubles per year under the current norms and schedule.

The model can be applied tosolve awide range ofplanning tasks, both long term capital investments, and short-term for technological aspects ofoperational work. Examples ofsuch tasks can be an assessment ofthe General Scheme, checking the feasibility oftransportation plans under given infrastructure constraints, and tariff modeling.



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Igor Shapkin Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT) Pavel Minakov Ph. D. Associate Professor RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT) Vadim Shmal Ph. D. Associate Professor RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT (MIIT)

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