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Alexander Cherenov

This book is a psychological detective story. The hero eliminates evil in a classical way: by eliminating its carriers. The objects of his work are modern masters of life (nouveau riche, multimillionaires from yesterdays ignoramuses, criminals and speculators) and and their henchmen. They are an obstacle on the way of a person to worthy life, and therefore the hero resorts to extreme methods of re-education. Maybe this is the only sure way to establish the kingdom of God on Earth?!



Alexander Cherenov

Alexander Cherenov,2019




Iam going tokill, because Iam afool. If Iwere not afool, Iwould sit at home and drink tea with jam. But Iam afool, and this is so. And so it is not from an excess ofself-criticism. And not because there are not enough brains: alas, too much ofthem. Therefore, Iam afool not hopeless: principled. Having principles: what could be worse?! The order ofthe hopeless one gives, at least, hope on being. Aprincipled fool not only has principles: he also goes tothe principle, going like awar. He climbs onto the wall, he knocks on the locked door. Inaword, causes fire tohimself. He begs for trouble and acquires requested.

All this is me, and all this because Ihave the wrong look on things. What does life teach us about the right look? Thats right: the right look is when you dont look and see! Inexact accordance with the installation Isee nothing. And, if also nothing Idont hear, Idont know anything, Iwont say anything toanyone, this is aguarantee oflongevity, because you will not touch anyone and nobody will touch you maybe if youre lucky

But, at least, there is achance! And the indifferent fool and there is no chance: after all, Iam also an indifferent fool! Would be indifferent would not be afool. And, if there were it is harmless, not interfering with anyone, first ofall, tomyself. As aresult: Iam doomed toloyalty tothe priority ofnot personal health, but public. And inwhat form: through damage tothe health ofindividuals, unless, ofcourse, these flawed ones and without my damage can be considered personalities. And Iam doomed not only toloyalty, but also tothe ministry. And this already obliges and imposes. Some declarations on the principles do not get off. We must prove them and ourselves on practice. And it is necessary topractice not on mannequins, but on living carriers ofevil. Such, here, trouble happened tome. And it still happens. And all that is needed: pass by! At least, do not cling topersonal complaints about the public, even if unwilling to! Alas

The struggle for the right thing through going towork is hard work. Is what Ido humanely? Well, this is how tolook. Here already need aviewing angle. Inthe generally accepted sense, humanism is aprinciple ofworldview, based on the belief inlimitless human capabilities toimprove, the requirement offreedom and protection the dignity ofthe individual, the idea ofthe human right tohappiness and that satisfaction ofhis needs should be the ultimate goal ofsociety. The text is not mine: from some dictionary. But our thoughts with the disinterested, Ihope, the author, are inunison.

So, here: if we approach this principle from the point ofview ofthe life owners, then humanism is the exclusive right ofthe latter-day navels ofthe earth. They do not accept any restrictions, nor even calls for moderation inthe spirit ofthe attitude towards rational egoism. Mine is mine, and yours are mine too! The case ofClovis lives and wins! Let even common sense and humanity itself prevail.

But there is another point ofview: the priority ofpublic interests over personal ones. Inmy work Islipped exactly toit, unintentionally, ofcourse, through carelessness. And did not want: it happened. But, if objectively, outside ofmy accident: it has the right on equal rights with rival. Moreover, today the rights ofthis point are preemptive. Willingly or unwittingly, Imyself make them so, giving them an advantage.

Like asweet dream, Isee areverse perspective! Oh, Iwould not consider my identity through the prism ofsociety! Not tocontact him even through good deeds, because they all have one way out: sideways and always tothe benefactor. Better it will be so: mine is mine, and yours is yours! inthe sense ofyour problems. And do not ship me aquestion about the relationship between the individual and society! Iagree: even there, abroad, today have already fed up with their former priority. Understanding, that the public is above the personal, is now universal. That is, the individual must make room, and if she does not want, then press her. And even oppress. And this is inthe mainstream ofuniversal understanding too, even under ritual spells about human rights.

So what Ihave, towhom and what torefer to. Incase if this will be necessary. Iam not about the judgment ofman, and even not the Last Judgment: the judgment ofhis soul. So far with this business is the order: we reached an understanding with afriend. And if Icondemn myself for anything, it is solely for the absence ofindifference, saving and beneficial one, elixir oflife and peace ofmind.

Hence is my point ofview on the question: do I, the individual, need tocompromise personal for the sake ofsociety? And not only tocompromise, but tostand up for the one, who supplies me with some problems? Isnt it easier toturn on the defensive reflex: Isee nothing, hear nothing, say nothing toanyone?! And I, as aperson, would not associate with society, if not other personalities. Unfortunately, Iam adifferent person myself. Not average, but social activist inmisfortune.

But Idid not myself come tolife like this: they brought me. Who are they? Astrange question: personality, ofcourse! What exactly? Through their deeds, starting with the slogan More socialism! and ending with the slogan Long live capitalism!! Only invain did they expect tofind alamb inme, at least, Gods lamb, at least, for the slaughter.

Isay this not without regret, proceeding from the black envy oftrembling creatures, because Imyself am one ofthose who have the right. Slaves, who are under the yoke, must honor their masters worthy ofall honor its not about me. Comrades-gentlemen made awrong address and Imade awrong reaction. Because he explained tothem, that here you are not there. Iexplained lucidly, so that they not only reach them, but also that they reach with my help immediately tothe point. Tothe last point. Tothe finish line.

The eternal Russian question: who is toblame? Iwill be honest: both, but each inits own way. Iam guilty ofhaving responded. They that provoked the reaction. They privatized my right toadecent life, and Iwent even further: privatized them themselves. Ihave privatized their bodies and the lives ofthese localities and other comrades will, Ihope, take care oftheir souls and lives there. And, Ihope, not from the office ofOur Lord.

Ofcourse, Ididnt limit myself tochoosing objects ofwork, and Ido not confine myself only tothe mighty ofthis world from yesterdays speculators. Thanks totheir activities and the very fact oftheir existence, Idid not stay and for along time Iwould not remain without work and clientele, because the bond oftime has broken. New times are incessantly giving away anew product. Avivid example ofloyalty tothe law ofunity and the struggle ofopposites: there would be no happiness, but unhappiness would help. You can understand it and you need intwo ways, including, as happiness for others and misfortune for me. Unhappiness for aperson deprived ofindifference. The product ofthe new times is the scope ofmy efforts. Inthe spirit ofthe new time or, more correctly, ofthe timelessness, Iam alife privatizer. The chosen lives ofthe chosen ones. They chose themselves and Ichose them, because they left me no choice.

Why did this happen and continue tohappen? If not ascend tothe times, described byEngels inhis work The Origin ofthe Family, Private Property and the State, Iwill say this: Icannot do otherwise. Imyself could not: comrades helped me those, who are gentlemen. Well, they got help ofthose, who now comply with the slogan who was nobody he will become everything! inrewind mode: those, who have become nobody.

These nobody is no less evil, than those, who have become all. After all, they give live tothose, other. They give tolive byone fact oftheir existence! And not only tolive, but also tocreate, exclusively inthe meaning ofmessing up, getting up! That is, all on the line ofevil. For the very act ofthe existence ofthose, who became all is evil! Because they live not only at the expense ofgiving, but also at my expense! But Iwas not called asponsor! So it turns out: those, who made the return journey, are accomplices ofevil and evil themselves. But evil must be fought: we have been bequeathed tothis byfolk tales. And not only Russians, but all the other nations ofthe world. So Ifight tothe best ofstrength and capabilities.

Idid not immediately come tothe choice and got on the road. For along time Iwas out ofstock: pretended tosmoke out. Instrict accordance with the law ofnatural selection: do not protrude out ofthe hole! Do not be noticeable and they will not notice you! And there, you will leave your trick somehow. The main thing is toalways be inthe right place at the right time, that is, nowhere and never. Isee nothing, hear nothing, know nothing, nothing toanyone Iwill not say. Ignorance is power, mimicry is agift! And, if you still have brains, the chances ofbeing increase many times over. It does not matter, that this is the being ofacockroach. Jedem das seine!: Toeach one his own! With astrong do not fight, do not sue the rich! proverb says. She speaks because she tried it on itself.

But Iwas not going tosue or fight. Iwas not even going contact anyone. And Ididnt want togo on the road: Iwas pushed out on it. Not life: the manifestations ofits new owners! They manifestations together with the owners made two mistakes. First: they pushed me, pushed acaring person, who byits nature cannot honor their masters worthy ofall honor! Second, they made amistake with the address, believing, that they had guided me on the right path: the path ofaslave, who was under the yoke. They could not imagine, that we will go the other way!

As aresult, forced toreason, Ireasoned like this: If the Bolsheviks expropriated the expropriators, then why not push aside from their example, and not optimize the optimizers?! Is not the defense ofoneself the first duty ofman? Is not resistance toevil good? So why complicate the problem?! After all, the shortest distance between two points is astraight line! Hence: for good, too, must strive for the shortest way: through the elimination ofevil through the elimination ofits carriers! Invain, perhaps, it is said, that everything ingenious is simple!

Having become asimple genius, Ipushed off and now Iam producing sweep rows. After such asolo, who from decent people will turn his tongue tocall me aserial killer? No one will turn! And if someone turns around, that someone is dishonest himself, because Im not aserial killer and not amaniac. At the same time, Iam not the avenger, not acleaner, and not arevolutionary. This is elementary: invain did I, perhaps, burst into tears with the prologue?! Iam like that because Igot it. Me personally! The soul ofthe poet did not endure. Well, somewhere mine, ofcourse, coincided with our. Objectively: the good ofall is above the good ofthe individual masters oflife.

Alas: it is not always possible tostick tothe line inresponse toexternal stimuli. This is due toaheightened sense ofjustice. It is unfair because when unjust people live and thrive at the expense ofothers always, even if the settlement and other accounts are their own. Therefore, Iam alittle bit Dubrovsky and alittle bit Robin Hood. Only, unlike them, Iam on my own without flags and slogans, without asupport resource inthe face ofagroup ofcomrades, without the need for publicity. Iam one soldier inthe field, lone wolf, but not the orderly ofnature. Idid not subscribe and did not hire. And Iam not programmed toimprove the breed. Well, here, Ido not set global goals neither before myself, nor before the masses, nor before the objects ofwork. Ido not wave the flag, do not climb the podium, and do not rush tothe microphone. Ido not call anyone and do not raise anyone inthe spirit ofArise, omighty Land! And Ido not act on behalf of, even for the good ofthose without whose authority Icompletely get around.

And everything is because Iam not (see the list above). Well, Ido not have such aneed and there are no such genes. And such aperson is not from nature: from such alife. Before inmy old life Iwas not like that. Because before there was no such life. Inapast life, Iwas no one, who would become everything. Inthis life Idid the return trip, made amaneuver inthe other direction. Not bymy own will, ofcourse. Only willfulness is adouble-edged sword. Without knowing it and not wanting it, his source reoriented me tothe other value system with the same will. The one inwhich the biggest is human life ofthe specific person. With only one but: interms ofher weaning from him, solely inorder tosave the lives ofeveryone else.

Ialready hear the question: Bywhat right?! Who gave it toyou?! The question would have been legitimate if it were not for the iniquity that called me towork watch, the lawlessness ofthe new masters, even if elevated tothe degree oflaw. It was this that gave rise tomy lawlessness according tothe law ofthe investigation and the reason. How goes around comes around, so will respond! But my lawlessness is just anatural reaction tolegalized lawlessness. Under this set, Ihad the legal right toassert my rights tothe rights! And Ideclared them.

How did Ideclare? It was very simple: Itook it! Following the example ofthe cinematic Abdullah, towhom Allah said: If you are strong and brave, go and take it yourself! Iwill not say anything for strength and courage, but Iwent and took! So, no one gave me anything, because Idid not go out with apetition! Inthe struggle you will find your right! decreed the Social Revolutionaries. Ijust improved the slogan and gained the right before the fight, infuture so as not tobe distracted.

Well, tothe question about the law Well, the one that is for what. So, after all: Do Ihave atrembling creature or do Ihave the right? And my court is fair, quick, accessible inform, without corrupt judges, lawyers, officials. Iwork accurately and precisely, quickly and ruthlessly like asurgeon. Yes, Iam asurgeon: remove malignant tumors from life and society.

Why did it happen so? No, not even that: why did Ihappen tobe like this? Probably, it happened so because it would be boring tolive without fools with principles, ofcourse. We, such, interfere with the settling ofwhat should not resist. It does not pay us dividends, but this is our destiny. Like that hump ofacamel. Ialready said: Icannot otherwise. Could I, it would be different: elementary!

Yes, and then: who if not me?! No, Ido not climb on apedestal with alarge chest. This is atopic ofhigh esteem. Alas, everything is much simpler: if not me, then nobody. No one breaks into the guardians ofjustice. At least, no one cares about it inpractice. That is, byspecific deeds. Good intentions do not count: what is lined with them has long been known. Ido not harbor good intentions, and Ido not sum up ascientific base for my actions. Ijust act. Ipay my due, without waiting for the Court toahypothetically Higher Instance. Because its impossible towait for it: there are everywhere procrastination and formalism!

Instead ofthis tedious occupation, which is not even guaranteed, Iam already calmly and efficiently cleaning the object. Iclean not under the contract, but at the behest ofthe heart: Icannot otherwise. Ihave no scheduled tasks, but Ihave aplan. No, not aplan for the shaft and not adream-idea, as one comrade said. Ido not build communism inasingle yard. Such plans Ido not have. My plan is simple: Im alone on the road. But go out not from the bay-floundering, but according tothe plan.

According tothe plan Ihave not asingle day without achievement. Rumbled? Okay, lets lower the bar: Not aday without good deeds. Ofcourse, about the day thats asmall emotional overlap also. Good deed is not amust. And then what are my words about the absence ofscheduled tasks? Agood deed is, sorry for the high calm, the flight ofthe soul! This is arush! Well, remember: the souls wonderful impulses, which must be dedicated toMotherland.

My impulse is from the same string bag. I, ofcourse, specially Ido not dedicate, but Ithink, that my impulses are for the benefit and good. Towhom? ToMotherland, ofcourse! After all, if Im not looking for personal benefits, then their recipient is different! And, if Ioptimize the villain ofsocial significance, then only society can be arecipient ofdividends! I, though not asanitary order ofnature bydefinition, but also sanitize! Im improving too! Icontribute without even setting such agoal! As anon-revolutionary and alittle bit ofDon Quixote, Iam just apartial person. But everyone would be so indifferent! How would we live, even and the smaller number, but the highest quality!

But, alas: we are such living minerals. Iam so generally one, alone inthis anthill. Iam loner inthe rush hours crowd. Only form is romantic, not content. And inaworld full ofpeople, you cannot just piece: lonely. But Iam not alonely monk, wandering inthe rain under aleaky umbrella. Iprefer Confucius Ibn-Sin:

Iam alone, but do not consider me wrong,

For the true faith Iam the first example.

This is much more optimistic and closer tothe image. I, such, am the one, but am Ithe only one? Jesus, Mahomet, Buddha, Lucifer we are all kin along the line ofloneliness! And yet we are all colleagues, even though ofdifferent appeal, but one vocation! Our role: working with the team. Everything is inthe name ofman, everything is inthe good ofman! Each ofus found himself inthe work with others! We all fight and embody. We fight for the happiness ofmankind, we embody the ideals, each inits own way. For example, Ifight inline with the optimization ofvillains and their nutrient medium.

So, it turns out: small spool, yes roads! Thats immodest, but its me about me. About who is small innumber, but great inworks. Although works todo, do not alter! For my works are derived from the works ofdemocracy. She did her dirty deed: she took away the last brains ofthe masses not overweight. Inthe absence ofbrains, People healed belly. Tome, he is not an assistant. Moreover, sometimes he himself is the object ofwork, because with missing brains he is on the other side. And it does not matter, that he does not understand this. For me it does not matter. Iam not an educator: Iam aterminator, finisher ofhuman copies. And if people are inthe way ofmy ideas about good and evil, Iremove the obstacle. For me, he and his antipode: the powers that be are two sides ofthe same coin, whose name is Evil.

Alittle more tear the stripped vest: indifference inme because Iam not ademocrat. Democracy is good only inthe book and only as aconcept. Inlife, it is cut off from the roots, and exists separately, itself byoneself. as an abstraction, which has become its opposite inpractice, as the opposite ofthe claimed reputation. Here, they say: democratic state. How can this be, if democracy is the power ofthe people, and the state is the apparatus for the suppression ofthe majority inthe interests ofthe minority? It turns out: the power ofthe people as the power over the people! Its original, but only inthe black and white format!

But the people are not those. who are on top! Not those, who are above! The people are me! And he! And they! Hence, the power are we: me, he, they! More precisely: the branches ofpower! We are the branches ofpower, not corrupt deputies, bureaucrats and bandits inpolice uniform! And, if they are branches, then ofanother power. Not popular: democratic. They are dry branches. And dry branches are cut mercilessly any gardener will tellyou!

Ibelieve that for the first time Ihave illuminated myself enough, although do not like toshine. After all, for the knife and ax worker day is night. But toconsolidate the past once again: Iam not aorderly or avenger. Ijust cant hold back. Icant pass by. And now Icame out not tobe able and not topassby


Isee him from the window ofhis apartment. His is the arrogant master ofarrogant Lexus. Auto divides the footpath intwo. They with master do not confused bymothers with strollers, old women with their sticks and children with dogs. No, it might be embarrassed, but the owner does not allow it. Nothing bothers him: he is the master oflife. At aminimum, declares itself as such. Isee it not the first day and it is not the first day that it accelerates with its automonster pedestrians violators oftraffic rules on footpaths. Several people, who tried tostand up for the status ofthe pedestrian walkway, received an immediate failure: they were beatout.

Thus, the issue ofre-education is no longer necessary, neither infront ofme, nor infront ofthe object ofwork. This is no longer amenable totreatment with therapeutic agents: surgery is needed here, radical surgery. Byhis dishonest deeds, this honestly deserved the rank ofclient. And, means tous there is aroad! as one comrade said.

Icalmly dress and leave the house. Acouple ofminutes, not more, left me before meeting. Him too. But, unlike me not only see me: until the twelfth strike.


Iam extremely polite. Iam not even embarrassed bythe fact, that Ideserve only aquarter ofafull look. The text, ofcourse, and should not wait: Icannot wait. If Iwait, its not the one that the average citizen is expecting inresponse tohis greeting.

Tell me, please, havent you seen the sign Passage prohibited?

Paradox, but before the entrance tothe footpath really hung up brick! As if it is already unclear, that the footpath is not acontinuation ofthe highway! What pedestrians walk on it, not cars! At least, must walk!

The master oflife changes slightly inthe face, but only so that the next one inthe queue for the change would beme.

What did you said?!

Even gold-rimmed glasses do not save me from the noble contempt. The owner both life and jeep opens the door. He clearly intends toteach me alesson oflife. It is possible, that the last inlife. The complex allows him not only tohope, but also tocount on it: aman is ahead taller than me and half acube thicker.

But he is mistaken both inintentions and incalculations, exclusively inhis own. Because giving alesson is my role. Even if after this lesson life is no longer necessary for him. He, ofcourse, is not against living yet, but Iam already opposing his desire. Not on behalf of: for the sake oflife on earth! Iam not confused bythe installation on the weaning for the sake oflife, because it will not be better, because it will be better for all ofus without him. And although Iact from myself and for myself, Iam sure that my subjective desire coincides with the objective needs ofsociety. And, therefore, Ido not transgress: Iam glad!

Well, you

Iimmediately find out everything about myself. Ilearn through the digest using local idiomatic expressions. On the second, the fists, equipped with the mount, are clearly served with steel mount. Comrade already understood everything and decided tourgently correct bycorrectingme.

Iunclasp my hand. Quickly unclasp: there is no time tobecome ahero. The eye ofthe master slips into, what Ihave inmy hand. Inthe next moment, his muzzy face breaks into asmile. He laughs: Ihave asmall folding knife inmy hand. This is against his mount and the muzzle, which fears the mount?

He swings at me quickly and not toscare me. Not todrive me away like an annoying fly: the guy obviously prefers words towords. Such athing, that he used tobring tothe end, ntil the end ofpeople like me. Therefore, the fly is destined tonot be driven away, and swatted.

But he again makes amistake, already the second one insuch ashort time. Iam not as defenseless as he would like. And yet Iam not going toplay the role assigned tome: either hit the run or hit the curb after the blow struck me. And Im not going tojoin the discussion: the eternal mistake ofour brother-intellectual.

Instead, Ipress one small button and from asmall handle ofasmall, supposedly folding knife, like alightning, asmall, only afew centimeters, blade flies out. Thats right: crashes, like bullet from the barrel ofapistol. And since Iam aiming at the master inthe eye, it means there is away for us there!

The exchange ofroles is made: my failed murderer took place as avictim. Getting inthe eye, he returns tothe drivers seat. But already back and cross. And inan optimized form: he definitely does not have one eye. Asmall blade hits with terrible force. Both ofthem both the blades and his strength are enough towork out not only the eye, but also the brain. Rear view is not available tome, but Ihave no doubt, that afew millimeters ofthe blade enliven the landscape. And Ido not guess, but Iknow: Itested it on metal and wooden objects, so tosay, conducted tests on the bench.

But the second eye can even be surprised. This remark is not tothe issue ofpathology: just aprotocol for inspecting the scene ofthe incident. For amoment, Ieven wonder if Ihurried with conclusions. Well, interms ofthe final solution ofthe issue. After all, aperson who is able tobe surprised is not yet agoner! But next the moment we leave each other indoubt. First, the counterparts surprise is peculiar: only that he was inmy place. After all, it was me who now had torevive or deaden the landscape with my presence-absence. Secondly, the not-yet-finished man was already awashed-up man. More precisely: finished off byme personally. Yes, and as aman, he ended long before his end. And, maybe, he did not start at all. And if so, then so be it! Inthe sense of: not tobe him. And if they were tobe only the former!

Ilook around. Not spy: not before the movie. Im visibly nervous. Not because ofthe act ofoptimization: the situation and does not claim the status ofand the bloody boys inhis eyes. Iam nervous for another reason: our street is not at all quiet, because it is not astreet, but the central street. But Iam lucky: as ordered, the street works off the street. Along the line ofliving souls: none insight. Ihope that Iam out ofthe field. This is not for long, but enough for me toget out ofthe battle without aloss. Iam lucky. Although why is it lucky? Why should it be the other way around? After all, the opposite and so is my daily modus vivendi.

Just incase Imow my eyes round and inall directions. There is no one here. It probably happens, that way because there is. But, however its time: achance light up is ready togive himself at any time and not at my disposal. Therefore, Ido not think long. Already at the moment ofdeparture Iwas visited bythe thought: would you let me know? Do not draw with blood the victim ofthe attack ofthe unknown sign brick on the windshield? Well, tounderstand and think?

But the next moment, this thought is driven over byanother: what if they understand more than Iwould like? That is, they guess, that this is the work ofalocal comrade? Simple logic: what is the business ofthe transit passenger tothe alien scoundrel? There are his own scoundrels on the transit! So, the soul ofthe poet did not endure according tohis place ofresidence?! Here, and it will turn out: instead oftrying toinstill infear potential offenders, Iwill instill myself bygiving trail tocomrades from the regional administration! Ofcourse, Ireally want tosensitize them, but it is better, though, toenlighten oneself.

And Ido so: immediately, albeit slowly, Iappeal inapasserby. One thing is done and now Ihave todo another: tocomprehend what has been done. No, better, like this: done! And there is something tocomprehend: the first thing. Idont want toremember asoldier who mourns his first victim, but even asoldier cannot remain indifferent, even asoldier who is state-wise! What tospeak for us, civilians?

Igo home and indulge inthinking. No, Ido not lay wreaths on the grave. The untimely fallen fell even at the wrong time, but with an obvious delay. According tomerit, he would have long since grown into worms: no good. Therefore, my thoughts are on the other side: what todo? Not inthe sense ofrun or stay?. On the contrary: the question is global. Like Chernyshevsky inthe novel. Itook the first step do Ineed todo the next? After all, the first step was from the category ofsoul beautiful impulses. Should Imove toanother category thats the question! Whether toput work with the client on the stream or limit towhat is called according tothe situation? And, can, be limited toalready made good?

First you need todeal with sensations. What are they: satisfaction? Fear? Decay? Elevated lift? Perhaps, abit ofeverything. But the root is the rise: the rest are bind. Ifeel good, not because they havent caught them yet: because there has been less ofone rascal. Because Idid agood deed. Ido not know the details ofthe traffic violator, but Iknow that he deserved his fate ofmy client.

It takes about ten minutes and here, the first passer-by. Now you can: Ihave already retired tothe prepared lines. The First behaves inaccordance with the instructions: Isee nothing, hear nothing, know nothing, say nothing toanyone. He fearfully mows his eyes at the still life, looks around and gives the go! Correctly does. Thats right: and mows, and looks around, and gives. Because, God forbid, they will notice what he noticed. After all, then involve and embrace. Involve bydragging, and embrace from all sides not only with your hands. Its very simply for us go tocategory from witnesses go tocategory ofsuspects and accused.

But fools do not sow and do not reap. For ten smart there is always one other. It is now. This eleventh well, ten smart plus he climbs into the car, inthe American manner pokes his fingers into the clients carotid artery, and raises the alarm. Simply put: hi. Several people come running (much more scattering and inall directions). Agroup ofthree fools all the clever have already dispersed is harassed bythe police, and she succeeds. As far as Iunderstand facial expressions, the police only record what they have nothing tofix inaddition tothe body inthe range. Fools are drawn and embraced, but foolishly they still do not understand this. Understanding will come tothem later together with agroup ofcomrades with improvised means inthe department already there.

And now they are overwhelmed with asense ofpride inthe consciousness oftheir duty. Soon, other feelings will overwhelm them at least, two ofthese social activists will never again succumb tothe call ofthe heart. An excess offeelings will fill the lack ofbrains and all together they will give birth tothe thought: Do not go where you dont ask! And even ask do notgo!

On this day, Ino longer see the permanent garage owners inour walkway. Perhaps, they are discouraged byafresh spot on asphalt. Not even one spot, but several: the client leaked through all the holes, both natural and additionally arranged byme. Only one person lonely draws circles at the scene: investigator. Judging bythe fact that he is alone, Imake the only correct conclusion: acomrade was thrown under the tank. And this means, that the case has already been recognized as having no prospects and the comrade simply works for volume: collects waste paper. And this already means, that Ican calm down completely, and even before the investigator write off the file tothe archive ofmy memory.

But this does not cancel thoughts on Chernyshevsky: What todo? Restrict local success or step on the slippery slope ofthe struggle for justice? Stepping on her, Ishould be aware, that Iwill have towork as ascout behind enemy lines: only aliens are around. And my next step may be the last. But you cannot shoot all! This audience grows like toadstools: it is not necessary tocultivate. Maybe you should not burden yourself with routine tasks, even more so with taking higher obligations? Wouldnt it be better tolimit oneself towork according tothe situation, when there will be no patience, no other way out, except for going out tothe business and tothe client? Im not aconscious fighter for the cause ofthe revolution: Im just apartial person

Chapter three

Iclick the knife button. No, Im not at work yet. Iam just inspecting the weapon And once again no: not crimes, but retaliation. And this is not aquestion ofterminology. This is afundamental difference. And Ilook around not tosay goodbye toit. You have tobe the last fool: this is not aknife, but awork ofart, piece work. As they say inplaces not so remote (simply far): First grade! And, if, really, not inmy pocket, then he has aplace inthe museum! And not inthe museum ofthe history ofthe Ministry ofInternal Affairs, and inthe Armory!

Igot it on occasion, got even before me finally got it. Ibrought it from the army, from the harsh places, that at the very edge ofthe earth. Bythe way, thats very convenient: look for the ends on the edge! How did this happen? Elementary: if Shura Balaganov happened sit inthe prison along with asource ofinformation about millions ofKoreiko, Ihappened tobe inthe hospital with one goner, neither the name nor the face ofwhich Ido not remember. And not already, but immediately, as soon as. As soon as Iwent out ofthe gate ofthe institution: out ofsight, out ofmind. Thats very convenient also: how toremember something, that did not have time toremember? Imyself always try tosink into the soul as deeply: mutual short memory is pledge ofmutual longevity.

The reasons, why Iliked him, Ido not know. But Ijust liked. Inthe soldiers hospital is boring. When there is no vodka, no cards, no women, the time is turned on exclusively bytalking. And Iwas the master totalk! Also, what amaster! Icould talk certified silent himself! But this goner and did not have totalk: he himself was asking, maybe, because not long left for him tolive. As the team informed me, the comrade with might and main was preparing tomeet the woman inwhite shroud, and not only with might and main inall-armed.

So inone ofour conversations, Idont remember already, an illustration ofwhat, this knife appeared. The knife was worked byacraftsman-dad, who at the same time was listed as arecidivist. The design was simple and effective inRussian. The main thing, the device did not fail: checked on the stand. Ido not remember how and why, but Ibecame the owner ofthis souvenir, which is not asouvenir at all. But Iremember exactly, that when Igain the rights ofviolence toacomrade did not apply. Most likely, there was amutually beneficial exchange: my good participation for apart ofhis goodness.

Soon Ileft the hospital as prescribed together with agift. Before departure, I, as adecent person, went tosay goodbye and said goodbye: acomrade ordered us all tolive for along time the other day. Iwill not say, that Iwas too upset bythis news. Iwill say more: it did not upset me at all. After all, the guy gave the ends not only into the ground, but also into the water. It is asin tosay so, but avery correct decision. Now let someone try tofind it! All at once: his, me, our relationship, the knife, the manufacturer! And if so, then there was nothing: neither me inconnection with him, nor him inconnection with me! There was no other according tothe inventory! Iwas free on all four sides: none ofthem had tattoos on me! And the apparatus is his spiritual testament tous all inmy face!..

Iam lovingly stroking the device. Ihave indescribable sympathy for it. No, I, ofcourse, can express and even express, but Iwill not repay what Ideserve. This thing gives me what Inever had: self-confidence. Ifelt it, not yet seeing the device inaction. For sensations, Ihad enough ofwhat Isaw at the booth. Icould only sympathize with the stand and the one, who inthe future will be inhis place. Well, it says so: sympathize. My client does not deserve sympathy. He deserves only what he gets.

Icheck ammunition. The device is designed for five shots. Benefactor gave me adevice with afull ammunition and aclip ofthe bargain. Unfortunately, this device has the same drawback as afirearm: the striking tool remains inthe target. And, like the bullet, Icannot remove the blade from the client, because the device is worked out conscientiously. Force transmission system and the spring is so effective, that the blade pierces the chest ofaperson through! If he had aplumage, then Iwould have tograb for it, like the tail ofafirebird! That is: go and catch! Do not pick it out, infact, especially at the place ofwork, when every second is dear tome! With all my political courage, Istrictly follow the motto ofone comrade, who said: Inour business, the main thing is toslip away intime!

Istill see crooked smirks on their faces: this does not happen! But gentlemen critics do not know the story well, and not only the history ofweapons, but also asimple story. If Iam not mistaken, Pharaoh Amenhotep the Second, son ofThutmose the Third, from adistance ofone hundred steps from asimple bow, asimple arrow with acopper tip punched athree-finger-thick forged copper plate! And not the way it was done bythe papa, who was just breaking through with athree-finger tip. The arrow shot bythe son, passed through and fell! But Iwork with abetter device and not from ahundred steps away!

Since my arrows are aconsumable, Iimmediately faced the challenge: tofill the expense. And Iwent tothe key keepers and bazaars. Ofcourse, Icould turn tofamiliar mechanics and Iwould not be denied. But the police could turn tothem, and they would not be denied either this time about me. Why so gloomy? Well, if only because with all the incapacity ofthe modern police it is not worth it at all, really, mix with shit, even if it is it. Inorder tothink ofthe idea toestablish amanufacturer, it is not necessary tofinish law school. Icould be calm for the device itself and the head ammunition, but local replenishment could give atrace tome. At least, todays police watch TV. And it shows that you can find out the nature ofthe alloy and method ofmanufacture.

Thats why Imade achoice infavor ofthe handicraftsmen: neither Iknow them, nor they me, especially since Iattached only the parameters ofthe blade tothe advance. Yes, and Ichose non-resident craftsmen: Ivisited neighboring areas. That is, Idid everything tomake life difficult for detectives, because God protects the cherished. Thats how Ireplenished with ammunition.

Everything would be fine if it were not for the unification ofthe method. Inmy case, unification is not good, even if Iwork well, because that narrows the search range. Me, it means. Thats trifle, but you look: it narrows! So you need aduplicate option. And Ihad tochoose this option myself. Todo, that is. Thanks tothe benefactor for having saved me from the torments ofcreativity. And Iresolutely embarked on the path ofplagiarism.

Igot up on it, sitting at the table. For the one for which Idisassembled my pocket crossbow into structural elements. Ihad torecord asequence ofoperations: Ididnt want extra parts left after the reassembly. Almost without changing anything, Ishifted the circuit toan even more compact device: awriting pen. Our bad time is good because the pens now we have for every taste, and not one ofthem, no matter how idiotic she looks, causes not suspicion and even curiosity.

My taste required asurely thick handle and Iexecuted it demand. It is hardly necessary toexplain why the thick one: Kulibin from me not Kulibin, and therefore Icould not reproduce the one toone trigger mechanism with the original, because it could not happen. Well, yes, Iam not the first one. Even our missilemen cannot reproduce one toone American trophies: all the time at the exit are extra tons and extra meters. So, Inot only am not inahurry tosprinkle ashes, but even am ready togive it tomore worthy comrades all, without atrace.

But, be that as it may, Inot only loaded the catapult into the handle, but also made it work. At the same time, Iinpassing, nevertheless, became alittle Kulibin. Not from agreat mind: from necessity. Ihad tochange something inthe device. Iwas going touse inthe handle are not knives, but needles, and not topunch their bodies. Under this case, Ialready stocked up with chemical warfare agents. How tostock up? Little background: when Itried tobecome abusinessman, for which Ijust did not take it! What kind ofgoods did not pass through my hands, more precisely, through them. Because, basically all by. Pass me by. Everything flowed like water along with money. But something, nevertheless, stuck. Among these something turned out tobe the illiquid assets ofchemical and organic origin: at one time inthe market ofunofficial services they were inconsiderable demand.

Where did the illiquid assets come from? I, too, have aquestion: because they have eliminated the whole chain, from the supplier tothe recipient. And Iwas on the side ofabow, that same fifth leg, that is not needed even byahare, not tomention the valiant detectives. That is why Istayed on the sidelines along with the cargo, that was entrusted tome and not claimed. My comrades have sunk into oblivion they never returned from it. At first, Iwanted tocourageously get rid ofthe evidence. But there were days and nobody followed them and for me too. And then Idecided: let them lie. They do not ask for porridges, but, you see, someday they will be useful! And, it seems that such time has come.

Yes, such acommercial past does not decorate the ideological fighter. And Iwould not be beautiful if Iwere an ideological fighter. But Iam not an ideological or even afighter: see above! And also for me there were four guys like mountains: Woe from wits, Griboedov, Chatsky and the phrase Who are the judges? So, do not judge and you will not be judged! Otherwise, Tell me who Iam tell me who you are!, as comrade Nero said!

Irepent: unlike aknife, this device had tobe tested not on the stand. At the same time, something else had to: take sin on the soul together with astrange soul. One consolation: the soul was arat, not inthe sense that, tomy joy, the man turned out tobe bad. The soul was arat, because it belonged toarat. Ihad tocheck the operation ofthe device. Inconditions as close as possible tothe fighting! Iwant toimmediately please the defender ofwildlife inmyself: Idid not make the rat suffer. She walked away quietly and without much delay. It inspired optimism. Oh, if the rat number one survival inextreme conditions showed such asuddenness, then what tosay for aman! Hence am Inot ahumanist?! Even inrelation tothose objects ofwork, that need tobe escorted exclusively through the wheel and the iron maiden!

Someone may ask aquestion: Why is it so exotic: shooting knives, needles? It is clear, why: for the moral-psychological effect. And also for conspiracy: it is more difficult tosearch for originals. This is not aprimitive usher with an ax. The original must be sought not with the feet, but with the head. And with this, todays detectives have big problems: the form does not match the content.

So, Igot equipped and was ready togo out into the field. There was no need togo far: here it is just look out the window! Awide field ofmy activities! But, as one comrade told us, haste is needed only when catching fleas. But Iwas going tocatch aclient and remain elusive myself! Therefore, Ihave not yet decided on the mode ofoperation and it was already necessary todetermine the safety measures.

Yes, ofcourse, Ican pick up the clientele right from the window. While the villains missing. But besides the scoundrels, there are enough brains both on them and on everything else. Including tothink about. Think about how true the installation is, nevertheless: Do not commit fornication where you work, do not steal where you live! Save on the search it is harming yourself! Inthe sense of: look for adventures on her! And do not just search: find them!

As Vysotsky sang, Iexplain it popularly for the ignorant. If Iwill work at the place ofresidence, even our conditional detectives, even if not immediately, but reach both tothe thought and tome! And when they get there, they will narrow the search toseveral houses! Hence what conclusion is it? Elementary, Watson: you need toknock down the garbage from the panties, and along with the track! That is, toguide them on the right path. And this can be done only byexpanding the geography ofwork. That is, go beyond the zone ofcircular review. With similar facts that took place indifferent places ofthe city, you have toput no: drive the police toadead end! Only different places should be really different places! Not neighboring streets, not neighboring neighborhoods only neighboring areas! It is necessary todivert suspicions ofdetectives along with their few brains away from the place ofresidence!

Ofcourse, insurance is aretreat from the line. But without it, there will be no line! Yes, and insurance does not cancel the task ofoptimizing villains at home, so that they do not spoil the look and mood. It is necessary tocombine! Need towork inparallel! We have tokeep up inorder for the police tohave time only toregister the facts! Toanything else she never had time! So, there is aroad inthe neighboring area, not right now if necessary! Im only trying todecide: dare me ornot?

And, behold, how can Idare, Ihave not decided with this yet. After all, this is what kind ofcross Icharge myself! Even without being Dubrovsky and Robin Hood, de facto Iwill sign up as an accomplice! But is it enough for me alone? And do Ineed it? All right, Ioptimized one villain. So, after all, he so pissed off my eyes and soul that there was no strength! The forces were found only on its optimization. Well, let me still have areserve inplace. For insurance, Iwill work out asimilar clientele inother places. Well, enough! This is not acontract, but easy prevention! Ido not set myself global challenges. Iam not going topresent all human sorrow for payment!

Yes, there is aproblem. And the problem is serious. But my view ofit is local and extremely narrow: the width ofthe window and the circular view. The main thing is that not asingle bastard should call inmy eyes and drip onto my soul! And inJesus the other way round, Im not going todisguise myself, not the All-Forgiven, but All-Unforgiving and the Vindicator. Sorry, but this is an ideology. And my interest inthis matter is purely practical: if you are not at me, scum, then there is no me at you! Do not catch my eye, do not get inmy way and we disperse peacefully! Iam not bloodthirsty. Ihave enough ofthe blood that is necessary for enlightenment inthe minds ofpotential customers. Do not disturb me tolive and Iwill not disturb you! Is it not arevolutionary approach? So Im not arevolutionary! Iam only removing obstacles from my path! Do not be an obstacle and Iwill not remove you for lack ofneed.

So its decided: Ihavent dared yet. As it is peculiar tous, Ivans! Russian maybe"is our modus vivendi together with the modus operandi! Do not do today what can be done tomorrow and, at least, for aday, you are free from work and thoughts. And, most importantly: you are free from having tomake adecision! Maybe, Jesus really is right: do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow itself will care about your: enough for each day oftheir care! If its really so, then this aJew is areal Russian!..


Iwalk down the street and Iwasnt inagood mood, as it never happened: the brick was broken again, and the footpaths once again saddled the steep ones. So, thats fate, but inpassing not fate: fate on the case, not fate on the sofa. Idid not make achoice: Idid not have it. Yes, and Idid not choose, and me. Rock himself chose me tobe the judge and executioner incombination. All claims all claims must be addressed tohim. But the main claim toyourself, the cool gentlemen. Because now Ihave toproduce from this word: twist the tail, twist the heads, twist the arms. That is, todo very cool. Alas: we do not have power inourselves, and if you are imperious so much the worse for you. Thats not blame me, but on high self-esteem.

Now Ido not save for tomorrow what can be done today. Because it is not possible, but must be done! And today, while we are free, we are burning, while our hearts are alive for honor! And, if closer tothe ground while at me from all the frontal openings the smoke is falling! Now Iam inthe most creative frame ofmind, because Iam definitely not located tothese comrades!

There are three men inthe car. The scope ofwork is above the norm, but there are no such fortresses, that the Bolsheviks would not have taken. And the three ofthem do not impress the impregnable Ishmael. For astart, Ido areconnaissance: determined bylocation. Unfortunately the place is very close from my window. But the street again justifies my expectations, earning money from the parochial alley. And the windows inspire optimism: an afternoon siesta is aholy time for drunks and pensioners.

Iwent tomy comrades. Ibow politely, and then also politely Iwork alittle bit like Lenin: Istretch my hand tothe side, even if it is abroken, but still sign Travel is forbidden! The people turn out tobe intelligible and they do not need torepeat the said. Instead, an explanatory work begins among me. At first Iindicate the route ofmovement, the final point ofwhich just three letters. On the second all three start toget out ofthe car. Ialso turn on: Itake the shooter out ofmy pocket. Its ugly look causes terrible laughter. Join my smile. Neither give nor take: warm company, laughing at the scabrous joke. Friends, comrades format tothe grave!

The comrades have already begun toequip themselves with additional arguments inthe already begun discussion. One ofthem is replenished with awrench, the other with ahunting double barrel, which the rear seat ofthe car slips on him. The third is armed with text and fists. Ido not mind: under such amatter optimization will go for asweet soul together with the souls ofcustomers. It will go as easily as vodka with agood snack ingood company. And this company is good bythe fact only, that it is not good at all. Its suitable company towork withit.

But todelay with this event is not worth it. Therefore, Ido not give my comrades toturn into battle formations and the first toopen fire todefeat. Comrades do not even have time tomarvel at how amazed they are. All three, one after another, immediately take part inthe installation on the theme ofVasnetsovs immortal creation After Igor Svyatoslavichs Battle with the Polovtsy. Inthe budget option due tothe shortage ofparticipants. All, ofcourse, are inthe role ofPolovtsy. For the collective image ofthe Russians also inthe budget version Iwork it out, because the truth is always with us, because we stand for it like amountain.

And here again the devil pulls me under the arm: Draw abrick! Everything is at hand: both paint and canvas! You leave amark, but not inherit! Help me understand dull!

The temptation is great and not only bythe grandeur ofthe seducer. But, thinking for amoment the limit! Itactfully, but decisively, withdraw my hand for the same reasons as the first time. Ialready left footprints: the second case inamonth, ten meters from the first one and on the same topic! Then the brainless will come tothe idea, because she will come tohim: Is it acoincidence?

This is too much tomatch. Therefore, while still working out my comrades, Iam already making plans for the evening. On the very evening that had already come through me on these comrades. Ialready have no time tobend over the map ofhostilities inthe form ofthe chief ofmy staff: its time towork! Alas, Iwill have towork under the conditions ofatime limit, inan unfavorable operational-strategic situation, turning already on the march and engaging inbattle right from the wheel! Yes, and Ihave towork out not one client and not one site, because Ihave already lit up my house twice. Iassume that sapienti sat!, even if among the cops ofthis sapienti cannot be found during the day with fire! But this is the case when you cannot spoil the porridge with butter! Better tobe safe than underinsurance!

Therefore, Ihave only such amode ofoperation: one leg is here, the other is there! This means that Imust cover at least acouple ofareas ofthe city. And Ihave tokeep within the hour or two, not more: Imust minimize the time gap with the action number two. Incompetent comrades from the competent authorities need tothink only what Ineed. And Ineed tothink, that they should not do. And they do not need todo anything except treading asphalt and expressing regrets about the lack ofeven minimal clues. This is intheir own interest, because inmuch wisdom there is much sadness; and who multiplies knowledge, multiplies sorrow. Unnecessary knowledge is aproblem not only for the head, but for the ass, and not for someone elses for yourown.

So, let the gentlemen ofthe Pinkertons think, that agang is operating inthe city that is not tied tomy local territory. For me, it will be an alibi and afalse trace: the classic two inone. And for them thats an extra reason totell the authorities: Oh, avery tricky mystery you invented tous!

Eh, we should take ataxi, but it is not necessary! It is impossible: the damned taxi drivers have amemory even if it turns off! Even todays defective, with apersonal car. Therefore, diligently imitating the unhurried pace, Irun tothe bus stop. After all, Iam not inaneighboring district that starts on the other side ofthe street. It is not for nothing that they say: you will put it far away closer take it! And Im going totwo non-prestigious areas on the outskirts: Ibring cops, but at the same time divert suspicion.

Iadmit: Iam going unprepared tothe task. The terrain is not explored, no reconnaissance, no plan, because with this trinity ofpure impromptu came out. It was necessary topostpone the event, include it inthe plan, prepare design estimates, prepare ajustification and so on! But the soul ofthe poet did not endure and it brought and carried the poet! Unfortunately, not for the first time! So now Im not only taking away, taking away, but glossing over. Smear the sins that are blemishes. Islander me inan original way: byaccepting new ones. Not per capita: on balance. But the fact that it is not my sins excuses me. Icorrect others.

Sorry, Lord, but its about You! These are Your sins. It is You, the All-Good and the Most Gracious, who allowed and allowed! Indeed, without you and Dad, as you yourself admitted, not asingle hair from the head will fall. Thats why Iam do not burden the soul, but on the contrary: Iunload! And you do not reprimand me todeclare with entering, but bring me on the tablets! Iagree toamedal inthe face ofgratitude inthe trade union line: for active participation inthe clean-up work on cleaning the territory from scoundrels!

Half an hour Im on the spot. Fortunately not only me: potential clientele is on-site also. Inits place, albeit not inits own way: inprivate cars on footpaths. Ilook at my watch: there is no time for courtesy. Since it is necessary toact decisively and quickly, Ido just that: Iquickly and decisively ask for trouble. Customers think that for trouble for themselves. For the time being, Ido not dissuade them from this. Comprehension ofthe truth happens tothem at the very last moment, when the blade is already flying towards its destiny inthe face ofthe client.

Iam satisfied with the parameters ofthe object. Ididnt even have toarrange acontest: all the masters oflife are the same as twins. And this one corresponds toone hundred percent: arrogant, fat, with an arrogant smirk and sunglasses on the forehead, which even inthe deep darkness will not take for Socratic. He even earns extra points: accelerates pedestrians with wheels, horn and obscene language. He is not embarrassed bythe fact, that de jure he is not master here, but pedestrians. After all, he is the master oflife. And that means, he is the master ofeverything init.

Icome tothe chosen one and do not even try todiversify the repertoire. Well, the one: about the brick. The chosen one also corresponds: for astart, sends me on abusiness trip toaknown address, and then begins toget out ofthe car tocontinue work among me already inplace. And not one begins but with self-made brass knuckles, which even from amateur status do not look less weighty. Looking at the sweet couple, Imake an unmistakable conclusion about the path traveled byafriend: over heads and ribs. Inthis case, the intellect is clearly not attached tothe birth certificate. This facilitates the achievement ofmutual understanding. Ialso love those, who personify anew thinking: Ibought it for one dollar inone place, Isold it for three inanother, Ilive for these two percent.

Acomrade does not have time toturn around inbattle formations: my tool does it before. But the friend manages togrin contemptuously. But this is the last thing that he manages: it is up tous and the battle friend tokeep up the pace. Inthe end, everyone gets his: customer reward, I satisfaction. The deed is done and Imust go. No rest: on another object. Iperform the latest reconnaissance and Iget an additional portion ofsatisfaction: our fleeting tete-a-tete did not attract the slightest attention ofrare passersby.

Again Ilook at my watch: only forty minutes have passed since the previous promotion. Taking into account the fact, that those, who want topay their respects are not visible on the horizon, but our forensic examination, incontrast from the cinema, only shows the day ofdeath, Ican safely go tothe bus stop. My path lies inthe area adjacent with this: the same remote place, but with its masters oflife. On the way, Iam filled with pride for both ofus: for myself and my work. The Pinkerton riddle is made on time, inthe right quantity and quality.

Tothe neighboring area bybus about ten minutes togo. Tothe place where the cool ones are found is another ten minutes. Twice Ihave time topraise the bus fleet: the cars go right on schedule and even more. At the line ofattack, Igo out with amargin offive minutes. And that means Ihave time tolook around, tomake achoice and not tobe mistaken with him. All three things Iput inalimit. And, most importantly: the goal is the one you need. With the exception ofone nuance: it is three-headed. So, Iwill have toslightly exceed the limit and my launcher will have towork out inthe mode ofseparable warheads ofindividual guidance.

There is no time topick and choose: time has gone. Yes, and ammunition is nothing special toregret: Iuse not the gift clip, but the one that for everyday wear. It is also more useful for the alibi: after all, while Iremain faithful. Therefore, Ihave alegal basis todoubt, that the local Sherlock will succeed inreaching the manufacturer. But if they also do not establish the composition ofthe alloy, Iwill be fatally disappointed. Iask pardon, but todeal with absolutely fools, although profitable, but not interesting! Well, not the adrenaline rush tothe blood! Neither inquality nor quantity!

Everything goes exactly according tothe scenario, even boring: adozen ofmaters, ademonstration ofpower and afinal. The curtain falls and not on the scene: on the eyes and brains. Ilinger on the fallen only inorder toverify the quality ofwork. Iam convinced: the work was done qualitatively through holes inskulls. Ihave no time for lyrics again not tomention about desire and Ilook at the clock: one hour and five minutes from the first stripping. It seems tofit the standard: three stocks within an hour. For Russia its almost simultaneously. And then the informants will help the native militia: they will give aminute disagreement. And the exact time will be approximate, as required. The discrepancy will be within tolerance: plus or minus.

Ibreathe out with afull breast and with the step ofaStakhanovist, coming from the shift, Ihead for the bus. Imust go home. On the way, Imeet no one: it was already dark, and inthis, byGod forgotten, the land, the people half an hour, as dispersed totheir homes. Bythe way, the ill fame ofboth regions is bythe way. Where else towork detectives, if not inproblem areas, especially since Ithrew them fresh problems.

So, Idid today, as many as three good deeds about the seven heads. Iforesee the question: Well, why are you attached tothese car owners? He will be asked byaperson who is not burdened with brains. The one towhich the lacking truth does not reach: it is necessary tobring. Ibring: the case not inthe car, but inthe types. Because they are not just types: types. They are the personification ofunrighteousness, its quintessence and the focus ofall the evils ofthe exclusively inhuman regime. For this regime excludes man from being, for it is for some men at the expense ofothers and those others is the vast majority. And let me not on their behalf, but from among them. Therefore, inreturning tothe violators oftraffic rules, Ipay the whole regime. Ireward, without even setting myself the goal ofreward.

But my critic is also wrong for another reason. Inmy work, Ido not limit myself toartificial frames. Iam amulti-stationer not from nature, but from such alife. Life does not allow for selectivity. Indeed, inthis case, no less worthy ofthe number ofpotential customers will be overlooked. Alas, but atextbook ofthere are many called here, but few chosen ones needs substantially edited. Inthis: as many as are called, there are as many elect.

It means that Igo out alone on the road not tonot see the forest behind the trees. And let me not enough for this work, this work is enough for me. After all, even inthe Year ofthe Dog, or, there, the monkeys, our age is the Age ofthe Rogue! And our century is enough for ourage!

Therefore, the comrade can be calm: there will be apipe for you, there will be awhistle. Have acondescension: Im just getting up tospeed. And then: it is impossible tograsp the immensity. And Iam always ready toadd: but the possible need toembrace! As one man said: So let us cut these heads until the sword is dull! And Iam much closer tothe literal interpretation ofthe covenant, than its author himself! So, if Ineed criticism, Imyself am at my disposal. And not idle criticism for the sake of, but for the correction line.


Firefighters are looking for, police are looking for", as one comrade wrote. People ofmy age remember how these searches and these lines ended: Search everywhere, but they cannot find". This poetic report on the search touched an unknown hero. Ican rightfully take it tomyself. And not with one reason: with many. First ofall, they are looking for me too. Secondly, it is the police. Thirdly, they are looking for committing the heroic act inthe amount ofthree toseven units. No matter what is heroic, only inmy understanding. Fourthly, they are looking for me and they cannot find me. And not because they are looking bad: because Ihelp me not tofind. After all, if they were looking for the hero ofthe poem, albeit for scanty, but still signs: atypical appearance, typical pants, then inmy case the detectives dont have that either. Well, Idid not give anything at their disposal.

Therefore, it gives me an unconditional aesthetic pleasure tohear on TV the plaintive requests ofthe police toassist it inthe search for an unknown attacker. Due tothis crying it is not difficult toconclude, that Ihave already been made more than once: the unknown tried toremain unnoticed and he succeeded inthis. The lamentations ofthe militiamen are another argumentfor.

It strengthens and raises, but, at the same time, and does not allow. Inorder ofsuccession: faith inyourself, mood, loss ofvigilance. Yes, there are shifts: nothing moves. As far as Iunderstand, my opponents understood what they should have understood: nothing. They decided what they, todays, and must decide: this is the work ofunknown hooligans. Toaccept hooligans for robbers and robbers they are not allowed bythe fact that the victims ofthe attack ofthe unknown remained intheir own interests. With the exception ofone: life.

With afeeling ofdeep satisfaction, Ilearn, that Imanaged toremove suspicions from my place ofresidence. Opponents are clearly beginning tospread the idea ofthe tree. And, spreading out, they cannot flow inone direction. No, ofcourse, they have alot ofversions. But all ofthem are from despair and for paper. True, one day avery unhealthy one flashes because ahealthy one the thought: What if avenger put his hands tothis case?

Iam already beginning toworry and not only for the fate ofthought, but also for my own but Iimmediately get the opportunity tocalm down. The thought ofacomrade is quickly knitted hand and foot with one single counter-question: This avenger is something like Figaro: here and there?! And the fellow floats. At first he tries toraise the noun avenger into the dignity ofthe plural, and then, without waiting for the third cock on his ass, courageously capitulates. The proposal, as going out ofstep with the general opinion, is consigned tooblivion.

For this reason, unity ofmind reigns supreme: this is the aggregate unrelated disparate actions ofhooligans, their own for each district. There turns the eyes ofstars ofthe regional police department where Ilook at them.

Iam calm: everything goes according toplan. Ido not observe any pedestrian walkway auto-privatizer out ofthe window. Familiar businessmen real scoundrels! covered, if not horror, then thoughts about life and about yourself. The air smells ofautumn and pacifying peace. Ido not claim copyright for the smell ofautumn, but appeasement is my production. Pleases and the attitude ofpeople. He reacts adequately: bystormy applause, turning into astanding ovation, even if only ineyes. Thats because our love with the owners is mutual tothe coffin, inwhich one side is trying todrive the other. Well, as it should be indemocracy inthe Russianway.

The tacit approval ofpeople does not oblige me toanything and at the same time it does. And may Inot be aconscious fighter for the cause and so on, but because Icannot do otherwise. Therefore, for the rear Iam calm after Iorganize it myself: people it is people. There is only one hope for people: that it will not betray you. But it can: people it is people! Therefore, Iam not for it: Iam for myself, and not inthe name and on behalf of, but because who, if not me?!

Then: why obliges? Honestly, Ido not know. Ihave only one clever explanation: because Iam afool. If Iwas not fool, nothing would oblige me. Idid not subscribe toobligations. Ido it at the behest ofthe soul, and not according tothe order. And inthe matter ofoptimizing such an object, this consideration is paramount. One should not go tothis business like unloading wagons, but fluttering along with the soul! Because all the soul must invest inthis case and not only your own! Insuch acase, no one can call you: only you yourself! Here, Icalled myself. And under such acall, it is quite possible that the feeling that trust imposes responsibility can slip through. Meaning: inspires! Not as aline from acontract ofemployment, as amoral incentive! Ido not find another explanation. And Ihave no time tolook for him: the work is worth it. And, okay, just worth it: waiting! You can say: Ihave already waited!

As aresult, Im alone on the road dragging aweary ax. Here it is time tosay: alot ofplans. This is the question towhich Ihave already answered: on the priority ofinterests. So, here: inmy work Ido not close on violators oftraffic rules from among the civilian scum. There are as many as three objects ofpreference inmy assortment: law enforcement agencies, businessmen, officials all ofthem with certification sneaky inthe appropriate person. Idid not enroll them inclients: they themselves. Therefore, there is no way back. For both sides: me on them, they on the last journey.

Only visual information is not enough inthis case, ofcourse. Well, after all, Imyself is toblame: there was nothing toturn into alittle bit inasocial activist. Therefore, Iexpand the circle ofinformers. Icollect additional characteristics from open sources: newspapers, Internet, rumors, opinions ofcolleagues. Colleagues are usually the most principled: they do not spare not so much themselves as each other. And not at work: outside it. Therefore, their information can be trusted, if not for one hundred, then for ninety with atail. Envy for succeeding the other is the most reliable key for opening mouths and souls. All Ihave todo is move astone and an avalanche ofrevelations will sweep away the untainted image ofthe selfless worker ofthe sofa and chair.

Where do Iget these opportunities from? So, after all Iam alittle bit from there myself. We were once trotters. Iwas inthe System myself it was the System that rejected me, because alittle earlier, Iturned away the System. This is not forgiven and Iwas not forgiven. Ileft yes, alittle bit remained afew roots inthe face ofindividual friends. As Ileft, Ididnt have any planes on them, but they saved themselves as asource ofinformation. At first, Iconsumed it along with asnack under the next one hundred grams ofvodka. But when Iembarked on the warpath, the maintenance ofthe conversation on my part was already focused. Inthe end, Ibecame the owner ofsuch anumber ofpalace secrets, that even after sifting through afrequent sieve, they would be enough for several sentences.

But judges can rest assured oftheir missing conscience: Ido not want todisturb you with anything. The solution tothe problem ofmy clients is my problem. And Isolve it inmy own style: operatively and exclusively inasurgicalway.

So, what about worry, Icannot worry: my work front is wide. But Istart bysaying, that Icontinue inthe same vein and inthe same spirit: Igo according tothe souls ofviolators oftraffic rules. This time they are from among those, who are ex officio resolutely suppressed. But since they are unable tostop, for the violators are the essence, Icome totheir aid as avolunteer, as no one is an authorized social activist.

Not long the music played. But at the same time, aholy place is never empty. Inthe literal sense: recently cleaned oftough violators, the place under my window is even more vigorously settled bygentlemen from the local police department. Unfortunately, Ihave no luck with my place ofresidence: Icoexist with local law enforcement officers. But they only care for my place ofresidence only tothe parking lot. Alas: they consider themselves tobe masters oflife toan even greater degree, than the owners ofcool cars. Yes, they themselves are the owners ofcool cars with asalary, which will be enough tobuy apiece ofbread and apair ofpants.

Why none ofthe boss speaker does not even look out the window? Why no one slides an eye on this defile offoreign cars? Why nobody does not ask the question: Tell me, comrade, is it not for nothing"? Ihavent been interested inthis why-bother for along time After all, all the questions have one answer: the one, who should ask, is from the same basket! And for demand, you can also get acounter argument: Tell me who Iam Iwill say who you are! And get it exclusively on the neck, as well as more tangible places.

Therefore, Im replacing these questions with another, more relevant: So, we have aroad there? Ididnt come right away and not tomy comrades: tothe thought. Im not afighter for an idea. My principle is: You do not touch me Ido not touch you. Inorder for what happened tohappen, quantity must turn into quality, tobe more precise, the amount ofmental anguish inthe quality ofdetermination. And one day it happens, as it should be, bychance. On the basis ofthe car and the traffic rules again, when the guardians dispersed the pedestrians peacefully walking along the allotted street on their foreign cars. Accident is aspecial case ofregularity. And, if movie character, under the impression ofwhat he saw, said: And then Idecided: Tosell!, Idecided, though also inone word, but even sharper: " Todelete!

My personal moment is not adetonator tothe public. One just layered on the other. But there is no one toanyone no appendage. So sometimes it happens, that the personal and the other go not only byparallel courses, but also bythe same path. They go both inmy brain and outside ofthem. Once again: Iam not the avenger usually. Basically: it does not always work for me. Sometimes Ileave the image and hardly return toit. With hard work over clients not from the list. But, if Iam at times and avenger not for myself, Iam only for the company, because Iam inthe name and on behalf ofmyself. Although Iwill not hide: the feeling ofuniversal injustice, fleshed out bypersonal impressions and case materials, is also involved inthe progress: moves me tothe point. More precisely: on business. Therefore, sometimes Ican say about myself: this particular set ofinspired us towork and tofeats.

Another lyrical digression is toensure that my movers, historical roots and that guiding and directing were clear. No, it the same one does not push me inthe back and does not drag me bythe collar. It only helps me not tomake amistake inchoosing agoal. The goal must be worthy part ofmy client. My inner pilot only guides me tothe path oftruth. And Ican no longer take another route:

Where is the truth? Above the truth isfog.

She lives between snakes and ashes inacrypt,

But Igo after it and light

Its way with my trembling lantern (Edith S?dergran).

No wonder another comrade said: The point is not inthe roads we choose. The point is that inside us it makes us choose the road. And no matter how high it is, it forced me and now, Ilight the way tothe truth, partly, ofcourse, and not always literally. Because Ilight up, thinning, weeding and removing. Whom? Weed element, naturally: nouveau riches ofall stripes and their advocates from the people those same law enforcement officers, who are protected exclusively bythe rights ofthe haves. And those servants ofthe people who changed their roles with him, having overlooked the principle ofone wise man: consent is aproduct with complete non-resistance ofthe parties for there was no such agreement.

Thats why Igo back towork. Do not go myself: they lead me no sense ofduty: the unjust deeds ofthe unrighteous. It does not give me not stay aside! Hence there is the setting: And the eternal battle! Rest is only inour dreams! Well, and my clients, Ihope, if they dream ofpeace, it is only interrible dreams. Although one ofthem should be reached, you will be judged for your deeds! That from anyone who has been given much, much will be required, and towhom much has been entrusted, from that more will be demanded! Here Igo on the soul and on the heads. Alas, there is no other road tojustice, least, inour life.

Im afraid tobe annoying, but Idid not choose the path: he chose me. And the comrades helped him not tomake amistake with the choice. Although, they know, with what and with whom it will end, they would not spare the forces for amistake. After all, they helped this path choose not only me, but themselves also: me as ajudge and executioner, themselves as defendants and convicts. And not as victims: as objects ofdeserved retribution. Therefore: let justice be done! For it can happen only outside the walls ofthe palaces ofjustice: there it is, even if byright, but unrighteous

So, Im going tokill on the situation again. Here it is another proof ofmy personal approach tothe issue! Citizen inme has arest, although Iplow for him and at him like anigger! This work is unplanned, but urgent: boiling so that the cover breaks! Most ofall gets the fact. that they violate those who should stop. Ican still understand Quod licet Jovi, non licet Bovi: What is allowed toJupiter, is not allowed bythe bull! But where is at least one Jupiter?! There are solid bulls around! You take bribes not according torank!, as rightly noted the Mayor at Gogol. Iwould also have worked all ofthem out, but my hands are short. And their ones are long: will get me from under the earth, because Isit high Ilook at you! Hence its the task tome: Cut the bough on the shoulder! So Im cutting them the bough, which Ican handle! And let others comrades with wider shoulders chop off along the line ofwider opportunities. Ihave so much work at least, write down the Guinness Book ofRecords!

Today there is the real defile ofcool cars here ofthe cool cops. So they serve the people selflessly, that they have reached the Lexus, or even two per nose! This is not counting the elite apartments, cottages, furnishings and elite accounts ofthe closed type! Towhom agreat deal is entrusted, much is given tothat! And, if not given, then taken! Our righteous tenants are the real specialists on the interpretation intheir favor not only human laws, but also divine! Thats another point intheir debit.

But today Iwill have tosweat. And much more than those pedestrians, some ofwhich combines cross-country running with running with obstacles, and the other should be set away from sin. That is, retreats tothe starting line for acircumvention maneuver inthe hope ofavoiding ameeting with the defenders. And, here, we will go another way. For them, the shortest distance is acurve. But Iremain loyal tothe golden classics: Iattach aruler.

The fact, that people dematerialized, thats even good: Ido not need and sympathetic views. The best help from the side is her absence. Because inmany wisdom there is alot ofsadness". Or, as the same Mayor said: Sometimes alot ofmind is worse, than if it hadnt been at all! Comrades passersby relieve themselves from the sin ofmeeting with me, and me from the sin ofmeeting them. Let not themselves deliver, but thanks tothe masters oflife, who did not allow them tobecome even random passersby. And this already helps them not tobecome victims ofan accident: true tothe classics, Ileave no witnesses. And this is not my fault, but them: always have tobe inthat time, and inthat place.

But Ideduct this merit tothe valiant guardians as not active, and inpassive. After all, they did agood deed on the way toevil. Not even that: the good turned out tobe only aby-product ofevil. Waste production.

Iproceed toreconnaissance. Not all cars are habitable. Part ofthe car owners managed todisperse inthe corridors ofthe magnificent building ofthe Central Internal Affairs Directorate, which was once the temple ofscience. At the time oftotalitarianism, the Research Institute ofsome exact sciences flourished here. But with the triumph ofdemocracy the sciences did not disappear and the need for churches toworship them disappeared. And the amenities ofdefenders ofthe people also had tothink! After all, science will not protect the new owners oflife from the people and this is the primary concern ofthe servants ofthe people! Well, how can you not please the native man?!

On the one hand, the lack ofpersonnel is distressing. Icame not then towalk twice. It turns out the shortfall ofthe plan. But on the other hand As afinished materialist, Icannot fail torecognize the law ofthe unity and struggle ofopposites. Therefore, the other party must have aplace tobe and has. And on the other hand, my task is made easier: it is impossible tograsp the immensity. It was only the hero ofthe song, who could smugly say: Iam the holder ofthe sky with strong hands!. For all their fortresses, my hands will not suffice not only toheaven, but also tothe piece ofthe earth! We, realists, must be realists! After all, optimizing two dozen violators namely, so many violates the rules ofthe road today and remaining incognito at the same time is akin toafeat inthe square!

And Igo tothe goal with peace ofmind. For additional calm for the time ofwork, Iturn off the soul. Even iron Felix the Chekists parameters: hot heart and cold head. And am Inot asecurity officer?! At least, along the line ofwork inthe deep underground, even under his window?! That and it: the security officer!

First ofall the second after reconnaissance Iproduce inventory. There are instock five goals for twenty-four units. Imust manage, because it is necessary. There is aword: We must! And we, fools, have such aright, which is aduty: first tojerk astripped vest on the chest, and then from the trench! Nothing obliges us, but we still do it! But if you took atug take away life and the jackpot! Ido not need ajackpot Ineed lives! And therefore, not even called, Ianswer: Yes! Ianswer myself not tosomeone elses man, who sometimes says, it seems, the right words, but it turns out, as inthe saying: Not the mistress who says but the one who cooks soup!

All car owners are ofthe titular nation. Aliens do not go here, especially, they do not drive. This simplifies my task even more: our love is mutual. Because Iused toperceive Kipling as abstract literature about the fact that there, they haveit.

Take up the White Mans burden

Send forth the best ye breed

Go bind your sons toexile

Toserve your captives need;

Towait inheavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild

Your new-caught sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.

Now Iread these verses as an autobiography. And so the bill tothose who are, Ihave alittle bit personal. But it is aseasoning tothe dish: the objectivity ofthe consumer does not interfere. On the contrary: promotes learning inthis case, ofthe souls ofmen. Conditionally human: after all, the owners oflife are beings ofahigher order. That is how they themselves and position, invain, that they themselves only inthe first generation are not from the plow. But conditionally human they are for me. True, from the other side: nothing human, with the exception ofexternal resemblance, Ido not observe inthem. Therefore, Iagree with the classification: creatures. And, if they are beings, then Ihave no sin either. Sin is our human construction for internal use only. Therefore, Ido not even need an indulgence: there is no crime object.

Is it conceptual confusion? Mixing genres? It may be, although, hardly. But if this is so, it is not from alack ofthoughts and arguments. And those and others an excess, even though the competition arrange! Now Iam satisfied: Ihave not one line ofdefense, but as many as you like! And every argument is like abayonet! And all together they stand like amountain for me! But Im not hiding behind them. Ijust declare their presence toall interested parties, and, above all tome, because we, intellectuals, love todelve into the soul. We love totear it up and turn it inside out. But when she is under the reinforced concrete foundation ofauthority, when she is inabullet-proof vest ofarguments and arguments try, dig it up! And Ihave such adefense blood from the nose! Ihave togo towork! What are we security officers, if not with acool head?!

Ofthe five objects ofwork, four are officers inuniform, and only one is asergeant. But he has such an impudent, such fat face that Ibegin tomoan with grief: the comrade obviously brought abig boss. And, judging byonly the details ofthe driver, the boss deserves at least an extraordinary optimization. Iknow these and not according torumors: We were once trotters once.

But tono there is no trial. That is, it is, but postponed. And this is not abig word: Im memorizing the number ofthe car. Inabsentia Isentence the absent client. But the presence ofabsence does not detract from the presence ofde facto: after all, but four souls. Four waiting for my close attention soul! Iuse this noble word only inan arithmetic sense: as aunit ofaccount, because Ido not even doubt the absence ofsouls ofthe soul. That is normal, human. There is abulletproof vest, but, unlike me not toprotect the soul, but instead ofit. And body armor is ofapolice officer. And that says it all. No comments.

Reconnaissance leads me toadisappointing conclusion: Iam at astrategic disadvantage. The cars are lined up, but ofthe two, the number one closest tome with the client, is well visible. Ido not have time towork them all inturn. No matter how lazy and stupid they are and Ihave only one ofthem all. Isimply will not reach the last inthe list. Even if he is not armed with apistol, at least he is armed with acellular one. Horseradish radish is not sweeter!

So, we must collect them all tothe heap! Think, head, think! Although what is there tothink!

Hey, you! What the fuck are you here crowded on the footpath? But you, your mother, are servants ofthe law lousy!

Iwork on option number two. At first, Iwanted tointroduce myself tolocal state security. Ihave atravel card the appropriate one: ared crust with gold embossing. Until you figure out what is written there and Iam already aspecial service! Yes, and Iwill not let you understand!

But this thought is good only for the first time, because the idea is rough and it does not always have achance topass. Much depends not only on you, but also on the client and the case also. With this option, alot is needed for success: speed, onslaught, impudence. But the main thing is reliability: artistic data is always needed. And now Iam not inthe image: no suitable state ofmind. No creative mood.

But there is aduplicate option. And Iuse it. Principality it is arrogance inrelation tothe servants ofthe law is the trouble-free method. Servant will not always lead toimposture, but always provocation bite! But how else: he is the master oflife! And therefore he must teach me life and at the same time give life bygiving on vital organs.

The guardians are taken aback: they have obviously lost the habit ofcompliments intheir address. But their confusion does not last long: acouple ofseconds, not more. And already at the third second, they are amicably, as if on cue, get out oftheir cars.

Yes, yes, all here! Icontinue tocause afire on myself. Intheir interpretation: seek adventure on your ass. My call stimulates the movement activity ofthe watchmen. Almost byjumping, they overcome the distance that divides us. Two ofthem on the move unbutton holster. The average citizen with these gestures should already ship inhis pants. My pants are working inthe provision ofthe regime hands inthe pants. And not figuratively: my hands are where my instrument ofproduction.

Hands behind head! Face tothe car! commanded me dashing major. Apparently, for excitement, he forgets about the team about the legs. We must also order: Legs shoulder-width apart! As inthe morning gymnastics: Lean forward! But this scenario is not the same. According tothis scenario, now they should put me on the ground, carry out explanatory work among me bymeans ofmy legs, and then escort me tothe office: its not just one ofthem such apleasure. The guys honestly share me with colleagues. After that, Iwill be installed, attracted and transfered through the court. Load me up so that little does not seem. My back will be offered the entire gentlemans set: from the provision ofresistance, accompanied byviolence tothe storage and distribution ofdrugs. No, ofcourse, the valiant guards will not declare that Itried todistribute drugs among them. For this business, they always have apublic rations.

Comrades are waiting for the execution ofthe team. They are waiting with impatience: they are no longer eager toexpose me with their feet. Itake my hand out ofmy pocket. Idont have time toshow clients the image ofdeath: the object is inthe line offire, even at adistance ofaimed shooting. And laughter about my argument Ihad already heard enough. This is not the repetition that is the mother oflearning. The simpler is the better inthis particular case.


The major does not have time toduplicate his order, because Christs logic comes into play: And what do you look at the bough inyour brothers eye, but do you not feel the log inyour eye? Idont know if the major had time tofeel it, but the beam ofmy blade sticks out inhis eye. Very small the tail sticks out: the rest is already permeating the space, taking the next client into the past.

Beyond the time limit, Icannot allow his companions toeven be taken aback properly. Therefore, the shots follow, one after the other. And one after another my clients inironed uniforms are falling tothe ground. Iam not Hercules inpart ofthe musculature and not Bruce Lee inthe field ofmartial arts. But on the part ofcall inthe eye Iam alittle bit ofRobin Hood. Iwill not say that, like him, Iwill split the blade with ablade, but at five paces Iwill not give the slip, as they used tosay inPushkins times! Well, here is atalent Ihave one! Iwould have tofight for gold at the Olympics and, Iunderstand, Iam fighting for the truth at my place ofresidence! But Itake my job professionally not worse than the Olympians. Irespect clients for the whole ten, otherwise Iwould be guaranteed acompletely different one from their side!

So its done. Toadmire the still life here, really, thats strictly: dead nature! Iam busy. And so the saved moments Ispend, or rather, invest inacircular review, as Iwas once taught both inthe soldiers and inthe students. The review pleases with the desired presence ofabsence: no one insight. Ihope, and me too. Ireturn the knife tomy pocket and mentally Ispit with clients. Its time totackle the issue ofan alibi: after all, for the third time Iam giving atip tomyself.

Igiving afarewell glance at foreign cars. Ahot wave ofdesire rises within me, because Iwant them all toburn tothe ground! Ihave aspecific desire. Because Igreet more precisely, welcome not only motorists, but also cars. Optimization ofthe car would have caused me no more regrets than the optimization oftheir owners. And regrets about optimizing the owners Ihave no more, than regrets about crushed cockroaches. It is more appropriate tosay, that it is desirable toconsider the optimization ofacar inone package with the optimization oftheir owners. And Iwould have done it if it were not for awhole bunch ofbut.

On the one hand, cars, like, and nothing todo. But the whole thing is what acar! Anormal citizen can see such acar only on the pedestrian path inthe place ofresidence. This car is an exclusive for the owners oflife! And he will pass byinheritance tothe next owner. Hence: the absence ofexceptions for the owner excludes them for his iron horse, the one, that is, albeit unwittingly, but ameans ofviolating traffic rules. The one that is ofnoble origin is intended solely for violations.

So what: sorry nothing. Inthe sense of: not about anyone, except myself: Idont have time for extra services. And there is no it because there is no magic wand! This is one thing: towave the wand and here it was and no! And quite another thing is the world without wizards, especially inconditions ofhard time trouble. And the distraction tounscheduled volume is what is, and adeparture from the principles. For my claims tothe gland are mediated through the living organism. But Iam not only not the avenger, but not luddit. Therefore, my glance is filled with bitterness, but the thought is sober: toleave without fireworks! Especially since representatives ofthe alibi were waiting for me those, who are destined togive it tome.

Ido not suffer from searches. This time Idont have togo far lands. Iafter all changed the parameters ofthe clientele. Therefore, Ionly need tofix the past. Fix inthe brains ofthose, who follow inmy footsteps. Or rather, according tothe one that Iwill provide.

Iknow where Ishould go for the alibi: tothe places ofthe greatest concentration ofwatchmen. And where are these places? Thats right: where it is quiet and light, where law-abiding people skip themselves, offspring and dogs. Our watchman is not afool, even being an idiot. He will not go where the element has already gone, because there is the lack oflight with an excess oftrouble there. And the servant ofthe law must also return home inorder tospread extrabudgetary butter on his budget piece ofbread, voluntarily donated byagrateful population.

And Im going tothe park. Rather, inwhat was left ofhim through the efforts ofthe chief architect and chief ofstaff ofthe city magistracy. The sun is already beginning tofall beyond the horizon: the meeting inthe Central Internal Affairs Directorate on the subject ofeven more devoted service tothe people was clearly drawn out. But the survivors lanterns have not yet lit, because for time x its not time yet. The latest light resources and the presence ofawide avenue, theoretically illuminated, allows watchful guards toleave the workplace relatively quietly. Today, they have already managed toearn money for butter and, if they knew Mayakovsky, they could rightfully exclaim: And life is good, and live well!

But they didnt need tolinger: the sun was already red-faced from shame for its inconsistency. Therefore, they confidently keep the course on the even more central street: there, no one will hurt them. And, here they may be lucky for the road.

It turns out, that we are going out with the comrades at the same time from point Aand point B. Our meeting is inevitable, because Icorrectly solved the problem interms ofspeed calculations. Therefore, our meeting will take place inarelatively secluded place: each park has its own appendix. Ours is no exception. Ido not try toattract the attention ofthe guards, but for some reason Ihave no doubt that Iwill surely attract him. This is evidenced bymy experience both inlife and inmeetings with the supervisors. Therefore, Ihave no doubt that the comrades will try tocomplicate my task and at the same time life. This is not included inmy plans, but does not interfere with them. On the contrary: one more brick inthe wall, as Pink Floyd aptly defined at one time: another stone inthe foundation ofmy righteousness and legitimacy.

We discover each other. True, Ido it alittle earlier, because Ineed this meeting alittle more. We are entering the opposite course and the meeting is already inevitable. Isee how comrades for some reason look at each other meaningfully and even joyfully. Well, that: Ilook forward toyou, friends!

Your documents!

Sergeant is full ofofficial significance and civil greatness. Start, not so hot, what, but thats good tostart.

Has the curfew already arrived?

Iam not joking: Im asking for trouble. And it seems, that Isucceed inthis: the smirk that settled on my vis-a-viss face slowly leaves it. The guardian is not yet aware ofthe enormity ofmy crime, but already understands, that Iam on the right track, and he and his colleague even moreso.

Ido not have time togroup and get abaton on the ribs. Thats oddly enough, but Iam satisfied: it was not I, who opened fire on the headquarters. Now the optimization will go for asweet soul, even if not for asweet soul. The servants ofthe law, meanwhile, had already armed themselves with their feet with the clear intention ofknocking me out for one more portion ofbutter. Ingeneral, the calculation is correct, if you count on the average citizen, intimidated bypower, wife and life. But this time, the comrades are mistaken inthe calculations, because Ifirst calculated. And this is for me toknock out sticking.

Igroan from pain artistically and reach into my pocket. Comrades joyfully rub their hands through the eyes. But they will not shine for long: this is already my concern and my little iron friend, the one, that Iextract instead ofthe notes. The sergeant even manages toresent his face: his disappointment is so strong, that Idid not live up tothe expectations placed on me. He is clearly already going toimpose responsibility on me through hands and, maybe, legs, because Iam incorrectly guided bythe place. Because Idisturb public order. More than that: Itry on social foundations! After all, this society is only on such foundations! He has no others! And that means that Iam the enemy ofsociety! The enemy ofall that is dear tothese people, even if it is expensive from the pockets ofother people!

Iwork on the lead: the sword inthe form ofafist is already brought over my head. That is, already moving inthe direction ofmy nose. And Iput aretaliatory strike. Bah! Bah! Comrades are optimized. At least, one ofthem asergeant deserves tosay goodbye tohim. Individually: spitting inthe face. But Iappreciate too much the possibility offorensic biological expertise. Idont want togive detectives an extra clue. And therefore Iam limited toafriendly kick inthe ass goodbye. Do not worry: if the dust will be identified, then only as ageneric concept. Like dust, thatis.

Inthe autumn evening comes quickly. The sun has just shone and now it is increasingly replacing the pale sickle ofthe moon. But its activity is only inthe work with his elbows: inmatters ofenergy supply comrade is not acompetitor tothe star. And this circumstance more than suits me. Icalmly look around at the place, calmly fix the presence ofabsence and calmly retreat tothe rear. For today Iexecuted the program, although Idid not program anything


The city is full ofrumors, potential clientele offears. The effect ofjust starting my career exceeds all expectations and expectations ofall. Naturally, everyone expected their own fate, but not everyone waited. This is me about customers: their expectations are ofacompletely different kind. The people, who define themselves over the people, react as they should tome: full pants ofgood. Inthe calculations for their address, Iwas not mistaken.

It seems, Iwas not mistaken inthe calculations and at the address ofthose, who are at my address: our valiant detectives, valorous only the fact, that once again they demonstrate acomplete innocence tothe prowess. Comrades have no chance tobe awarded with medal For Valiant Labor: there is neither work nor valor. Usually it is enough only for the heroic deprivation ofproperty and the health ofthe defendants, always at the place ofservice and when working inthe numerical majority. And this is not like inhockey, but as inthe military: for the success ofan offensive operation, you need tocreate athreefold superiority inforces. Through our daily practice, our guards argue that inwar as inwar is not only inwar, even if they are fighting only with their own people.

Firemen are looking for, police are looking for Fortunately, they are not looking for me, but without anameless villain who will take about three heads or even more. Comrades went where Isent them. And not sent as they send us. Idid without the mediation ofthe language. But that didnt stop me from instructing them on the road and it does not matter, that far from true. At aminimum, Iprovided the comrades with afront ofwork, mainly inthe line ofcollecting waste paper.

Igave the authorities ofthe rank-and-file Pinkertons the opportunity toprove themselves inall their glory: toshow off infront ofthe cameras at the moment ofgiving instructions and assurances. Instructions and assurances, although offered todifferent consumers, are no different from each other with the exception ofverb forms. Inthe first case, the verb is used inthe imperative mood: take (measures), establish identity, neutralize. Inthe second this is the same, but inthe first person inthe plural: we will accept, we will establish identity, we will neutralize.

So far, the instructions and assurances correspond toonly one third on the part oftake. Municipal Department ofInternal Affairs widely notified the general population, that it: a) accepted the plan; b) took action; c) made commitments. This three-headed acceptance ofthe case was limited. Then it goes didnt want, no matter how pushed his superiors. The case got up because it was stuck.

Ido not dismiss the blame for this disastrous result, ofcourse: Idid not give atip, did not light up. But the Pinkertons are good too: they are very bad. Operatively resting on the wall, the investigators immediately moved the beaten path: instead ofworking on the case, they took up work with the case. After aweek from my second coming, the valiant MDIA was able topresent public first results oftheir arduous activities: the first and very plump volume. Ofcourse, it could also show other results ofits activities and also puffy: swollen faces ofdeveloped persons, but did not do that. And not out ofhumanity, but for technical reasons: swollen faces did not fit into the screen. And the result was only on the face, and not obvious: the faces ofthe faces have undergone without good for the cause, as for the cause oftruth, and for aparticular criminal. They have endured, as elements ofthe next insolvent version.

But its not for nothing that Lomonosov used tosay: How much inone place it will decrease, so much inanother will increase. The failure oflaw enforcement is aclear proof ofmy viability, at least, the viability ofthe measures Ihave taken toensure that no action is taken inregards tome. Failure totake effective measures through the adoption ofinactive those, that are not for the cause, but for the cause.

But resting on our laurels is the last thing, because this is idleness and because an ordinary day is aworking day inmy understanding. And when, faithful tothe installation totake care ofones own, the day does just that: puzzling and stressing, then rest is immoral, because the pipe is calling!

And Icannot otherwise. Once again Icannot. No, ofcourse Icould, but the day does not allow the one, which takes care ofit. This is because it cares only for me interms ofwriting cares and laying goods. Iowe nothing toanyone except myself. Well, the day that cares. Therefore: an order is given". And, true tomyself, Imyself answer: Yes!

Everybody from the list help the day totake care of on my head and on my ass. Despite the beneficial effects offear and rare thoughts not about the pocket, the potential clientele soon begins toconfront itself, that all this is not about them. These slogans are well known tome. Anyone, but not me! This cannot be, because there can neverbe!

But comrades are wrong, because they lull themselves, and do not refute me. They are lulling, not proving. Do not prove their innocence and invulnerability. And Im already going. And not only bytheir tracks, but also bytheir souls! For their lost souls that Ineed tobring no, not tothe light: on the road leading straight tohell! They deserve no other way! Idid not coordinate this issue with the Prince ofthe World, but Ithink, that he will approve ofmy line: both the line ofconduct and the one Iconducted for clients and among them. On the basis ofmerit, my clientele is His clientele. Idont want tosay, that Iwas contracted, but Ithink that the Lord doesnt complain tome either. After all, Isave Him from both worries and from ballast.

Alas: clients not only lull themselves, but also return tothe paths the unrighteous: on footpaths and tothe unrighteous being. They again begin toplace on their heads the crown ofthe masters oflife and under the crown the collar on our necks. This is not just arelapse. Its achallenge. Challenge us all. But most importantly: it is achallenge tome personally! Everything is back tonormal? Well, well, if this is so, then Iwalk inacircle and at the same for their souls! If you do not want the bad inthe good will be even worse! Maybe, at least this time the setting repetition is the mother oflearning will prove itself on practice!

Unfortunately and maybe, on the contrary work plans have tobe adjusted. Ido not always have the opportunity towork out aclient right away at the place ofhis becoming aclient. That is, as soon as Idiscover the fact oftraffic violations. The reasons are many: over-limit liveliness inthe street, adisproportionate amount ofwork, unequal forces, excess light, and so on. Im not awizard, after all: Im just learning. And it is only inafairy tale, that something there helps tocreate real miracles. Inlife Iam asoloist on the issue ofcreating miracles. And since Idont have amagic wand, with which the fool will pass the exam for the wizard, Ihave totake into account every component ofthe miracle, first ofall, the realities. Inthis context: am Icapable? Will Ibe ableto?

That is why very often it is not immediately Igo alone on the road. There are times when going out its the same, that tolook for adventure. Therefore, having found the intruder, Ino longer cling tothe instrument ofproduction. Instead ofit, Iswitch toaccounting: Iremember the numbers ofcars, and if its possible the details ofthe driver and the number ofstars on epaulets. This is not just memorization this is crediting tothe conduit. This is, moreover, the production ofafriend tocustomers, only deferred byexecution.

And then the routine begins. This is familiar tome not from books and films. After all, Ionce did not just fall out ofthe cage: from this one. Therefore, Iknow all the tracks leading toRome: former colleagues, newspapers, the Internet, television, and more my own legs and eyes. Inour case, laziness is the most expensive. And so Im not lazy. But Ido not shine unnecessarily. And, if its necessary, Ido not shine: we all learned alittle something and somehow.

Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. And Iprove the validity ofthis postulate every day. And not only Iprove, that is, Iam inthe process, but Ialso prove (as aresult)! Inthe end, no one has yet been forgotten for what should not be forgotten. Ican only follow the installation: remember all byname, already inthe context: remember so that no longer forgotten! And Iremember the comrades

The main thing inour business is information. This is already later will be calculations, plans, reconnaissance, binding tothe place, because neither the first, nor the second, nor the third without information. Therefore, my first task is not tomake amistake. No, not inchoosing agoal: there are no problems with this. All my elects are elected byright and duty. Bylaw, for they have earned this right. Byduty because Iam obliged torespect him (right). Avisual embodiment ofanother installation: there are no obligations without rights, as there are no obligations without rights. We with the comrades must meet the conditions ofthe task and Ido everything for this that only depends on me. And not only for himself, but also for that guy: vis-?-vis takes the time tocomply with great eagerness

Therefore, Itake all our respect for the collection ofinformation: no neglect, no superficiality, no plus or minus tolerances. Inthe end, my client is really my client. Iknow everything about him. All that Ineed tooptimize it: the time ofarrival, time ofdeparture, contacts, mode, accompanying, character escorts, technical obstacles. And, since Iknow all the obstacles, we have no barriers either at sea or on land.

But the absence ofobstacles does not prevent the occurrence ofproblems. The main problem is not how?, but where?, because the answer tothe question where? either complicates or simplifies the answer tothe question how? After all, Icannot arrange acollective raid alone. And Icannot work as ashahid either: Imust save myself for other comrades, who, inthat case, will turn out tobe undeservedly overlooked deserved attention. Conceivable is necessary!

Therefore, ineach case Iwork individually. It is necessary totake into account all the incoming, outgoing and even attendant: the presence ofinthe yard ofan evil dog, the presence oftracking equipment, the presence ofbourgeois children inthe house. Though they are bourgeois, but they are little ones. Natural intelligence will not allow me towork daddy-scoundrel infront ofmy son, even if it is already hopelessly spoiled, but still small! So, it is necessary tocomply with the newly discovered circumstances!

And Icorrespond. So, if there is adog or son inthe house, Itry tooptimize the homeowner outside his tenure. Ofcourse, Itry towork hard and even individually, but its impossible tolive insociety and be free from it, as the founder ofMarxism said. Sometimes this society tactlessly imposes its society on me. And Icannot ask my comrades toleave us alone: after all, not tobe left alone is their only duty. They are paid money for this: they are the Praetorian Guard ofevery master oflife.

As amaterialist and advocate ofthe law ofunity and the struggle ofopposites, Iwill not say, that this only complicates the task: and simplifies too. Optimizing the right dog owner for me is unthinkable. And, behold, the optimization ofhis faithful dogs is sacred! For man the spirit is no greater pleasure than clearing the road toprogress, clearing it along with all the obstacles, both standing and lying inthe way! These people stand inmy way. On the way toanoble goal: an ignoble scum. And, isnt it anoble cause: toremove this obstacle?! Inmy opinion, even the question is superfluous. Because this construction is possible only inthe affirmative version and without any not!

Iwill say at once: Oh, what hard work is this one! Iam convinced: todrag ahippopotamus out ofthe swamp is much easier, than torender inconditions as close as possible tothe fighting ones. Inconditions when all strategic advantages are on the client side. All but one: my determination tobring this noble cause tothe end ofmy client.

Through thorns its not only tothe stars, but also tothe corpses. And tocreate thorns this public is able and loves. The masters oflife are so confident intheir safety, that even inthe toilet they go inthe caret ofbodyguards. And even though we have no barriers, and even there are no such fortresses, that the Bolsheviks could not take and this complicates the task and postpones the moment ofthe triumph ofjustice.

Alas, but you have toreckon not only with your desire, but also with the reluctance ofcustomers, especially if this desire is supported byat least abit ofprofessionalism. Insuch cases, Iinvoluntarily obliged totake into account the reinforced concrete argument you will not shoot everyone! And we, intellectuals, do not work with amachine gun: this is not our method! What are we intellectuals after that?! Our method is apoint strike, and only on deserved heads. So, for work, Ihave only places ofpublic use. And these places are only inthose places, inwhich the place belongs tothe masters oflife only!

Iagree: thats unaesthetic. Imyself would prefer boudoir tourinal. But only there it is possible torealize the installation Only once there is ameeting inlife, only once astring is torn byastring". Other opportunities owners oflife Ido not leave.

It is necessary toonce again comply inorder topenetrate inthe holy ofholies ofbusiness: closed clubs and restaurants. Inorder toget through the main entrance, Ido not have enough resources. Im not privatizing property, but souls. They will not allow me tothe porch inasuit second hand.

Ilook like aservice staff. No, not for the attendants inthe hall: there is no adequate flexibility ofthe camp and the facial muscles inme. Icannot bend over and cry. And it would be necessary, but Icannot. Therefore, the top ofthe servants for me is her lowland. Im talking about plumbers and cleaners. Ihavent yet fallen tothe janitor, but, behold, Ihave already risen tothe plumber. Ican fit and not just the equipment! For technical reasons, Ican apply certain skills. Iam not the master oflife: Iam only the owner ofthe apartment. And, it means, Imust be able tofix the valve, tighten the nuts, replace the pipes. So, what if you dip me in no: just inthe lube, Im still very well aplumber or afitter. The main thing is that from me smelled ofspecialty amile away.

Today Iam aplumber. Needless tosay, Imade the blockage myself: Ihad tovisit the nearest collector. Icant clog it from the main entrance: from the closed room ofthe closed club. Only the highest crap ofthe highest persons is allowed there. Therefore Im not going towork from the front porch, but from the back up. My sanitary view inthe face ofthe imminent threat offaecalization ofthe institution is not only credible, but also universal enthusiasm. What kind ofpassport issue can Italk about: all my requisites are on face, smeared and fragrant byno means French cologne!

It is difficult toidentify aspecific person inme, but it is not difficult toidentify atextbook plumber. Therefore, Ican easily get admission toall leaking and threatening toleak rooms. Ialmost skillfully imitate the vigorous activity on the approaches tothe toilet, and then already is the matter oftechnology. And this time: not plumbing.

Ihave no doubt that, as aresult ofahabit that has long become atradition, my client will first ofall visit the institution for men. There is alot todrink today and, therefore, it is necessary tofree the place. The guard escorts the client tothe very doors. And not tothe door ofthe toilet: tothe door stall. Ihave time toshow my passport inthe face ofthe fragrant sewage ofthe special equipment, as well as the plumbing set ofasmall suitcase and awire ruff. Therefore, my presence, animated bylong intricate wishes toassholes, shitty toilet, does not cause any questions. Especially as awrench Iknock on pipes no worse than aprofessional. Checking the neighboring booths, comrades are convinced that it is just me, and graciously allow me tocontinue todig inthe shit.

Client mastered on the toilet seat inthe booth next door. He, ofcourse, prefers todistance himself from the proletariat, but there is nowhere: all other places are excluded from the list personally byme: Ibrought them out ofcirculation, fertilized and refreshed them. They are not ready towork with clients, but they are ready towork with this client. More precisely, they provide me with the possibility ofsuch work. Insuch acase as ours, rely on the case that head on the block! Inany case, Irely only on such acase, which Imyself prepared, Imyself handed over and accepted for operation. My client had togo exactly tothe place prepared for him and he went there. We were supposed tobe good neighbors, even not for long. And we became them.

Iwant togive alittle help on the topic ofbloody boys inthe eyes. So, here: no boys! Behind the partition, the Honored Worker ofall affairs and affairs, the peoples fighter with the people, the Honored Master ofSins ofevery suit and honorary donor inthe opposite direction groans and torments bloodsucker, inaword. He has already attempted, but only with unsuitable means inthe form ofcomplaints and denunciations. Despite their persuasiveness, they did not convince the testers. Because who are the judges?! Foolish people: crucians have brought pike topike court! Yes, and then: you cant break through this with mortars, not like paperwork.

Therefore, about peace ofmind, Icannot worry: the client has already bothered for me. And, as soon as he groans, Iopen the window, such small, around, like peephole. Iopen it with aslight creak, which only the client can hear. Ineed the area offire. When the customers surprised-alert eye is combined with ahole and goes tothe line offire, Ipull the shutter. Comrade grunts and quacks. This is certainly perceived as another attempt out ofthe door.

Imake sure, that the client is inthe proper position, Icurse at last inour way, as alocksmith and get out ofthe booth.

There is more on the day ofwork! Iresolutely attack bodyguards, along the way seeking sympathy and understanding. For it is said: it is important tobe able toenter the conversation, but where it is more important tobe able toget out ofit! Icome out and not only from the conversation, but also the winner. Because as achild, Ilearned another useful truth: one can overcome the insolent inonly one way: an even greater impudence. Itake them inunceremoniously along with their initiative. Along the way, Iseek what Iextorted: alikeness ofsympathy. Dismayed, the servants ofthe host knowingly nod my shaved heads. Their arrogance is defenseless against my arrogance.



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This book is a psychological detective story. The hero eliminates evil in a classical way: by eliminating its carriers. The objects of his work are modern «masters of life» (nouveau riche, multimillionaires from yesterday’s ignoramuses, criminals and speculators) and and their henchmen. They are an obstacle on the way of a person to worthy life, and therefore the hero resorts to extreme methods of «re-education». Maybe this is the only sure way to establish the «kingdom of God» on Earth?!

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