Книга - Gardener. Secrets of the Ottoman house


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Gardener. Secrets of the Ottoman house
Konstantin Krokhmal

One is the gardener, the other is the Vizier. The capricious will ofthe Great Sultan reduces them one byone, and they begin adeadly race for survival. Who ofthemis ahunter, and who is avictim, will decide Fate. All this happens under the unflinching gaze ofthe Lord ofthe Osman and thousands ofsecret spectators. Who willwin? The result ofthe duel you will learn, after reading my new book The Gardener, which is based on real historical events.


Secrets of the Ottoman house

Konstantin Krokhmal

Konstantin Krokhmal

Konstantin Krokhmal

Konstantin Krokhmal

Konstantin Krokhmal,2017

Konstantin Krokhmal, ,2017

Konstantin Krokhmal, ,2017

Konstantin Krokhmal, ,2017



Dear friends!

Many know me as apublic figure, an auto expert, ajournalist, aparticipant intelevision and radio programs. Today Iam opening up for you on anewer side, as awriter. Possessing ahuge amount ofinformation, historical facts, Ido not use them infull, except that Isometimes quote the classics inspeeches before citizens, on television, radio, etc. Only afew ofmy close associates know my hobby towrite stories and novels. Iwrite inthe new, and more correctly, inatransformed style ofan active story based on areal story or alittle-known historical fact. Itry todescribe the events inan exciting manner from the first lines ofthe narrative. Iwould call my style astory-track or astory-composition.

Ihave long wondered why we listen tothe song we liked afew times inarow. Why does not it botherus?

And all because agood song every time givesus afeeling offamiliar novelty.

Have you re-read astory or astory for along time?

Inmy opinion, an interesting and intelligent book should be read several times inarow, fueled byemotions and getting acharge ofenergy. Ihope that this my story The Gardener will take aplace inyour library and will be among the books that will want toreread, reside and empathize with its heroes.

Ispecially designate and describe my characters with special touches, and already you, my dear reader, visualize the image ofthe hero and imagine exactly how it looks. Igive aguide, and already the integrity ofthe picture is formed ineveryones own, according toyour imagination.

Inmy works, Ido not claim 100% historical certainty, but only try toreconstruct events, and Imyself live with my characters specific life situations.

Ispecially write compact, but capacious stories. My goal is tomake them dynamic, easy toread and kept insuspense until the very last line. The ending ofmost ofthe works will surpriseyou.

Ipurposefully try toinclude inmy stories amaximum offacts, so that you can add tothe baggage ofyour knowledge, for knowledge, like health, is never superfluous.

Ido not cunning, saying that my stories have agood therapeutic effect, inorder totap into those parts ofthe brain that are responsible for the flexibility ofthought. Checked experimentally: Iwant toreread my works, and they give acharge ofmental activity.

Inmy opinion, these stories are ideal for preparing ascript and shooting an exciting movie. If among the readers there is aknowledgeable person, Iwill be glad tocooperate.

Inthe story there is aspecial terminology ofthat time, ofthat era, and at the end ofthe book inthe Notes section, detailed explanations are given so that you can more fully understand the details ofthe narrative.

Inmy table there is alarge number ofsimilar works ofvarious themes: from serfdom toWorld War II and the modern era. All ofthem are planned for publication, as they are ready for printing.

Iwill be glad if you liked my book, and you have spent your time and have learned alot ofnew things.

Enjoy reading!

With sincere respect for you, my dear readers!

Yours, Konstantin Krokhmal.

web-site: krohmal.ru

Announcement ofthebook

One is the gardener, the other is the Vizier. The capricious will ofthe Great Sultan reduces them one byone, and they begin adeadly race for survival. Who ofthem is ahunter, and who is avictim, will decide Fate. All this happens under the unflinching gaze ofthe Lord ofthe Osman and thousands ofsecret spectators.

Who will win? Ahuman machine trained tokill, or acivil servant who has passed through all circles ofhell, who has many years ofexperience ofsurvival indifficult situations behind his back?

The result ofthe duel you will learn, after reading my new book The Gardener, which is based on real historical events.

Iwish you asuccessful hunt!

Konstantin Krokhmal, the author.


(Based on real events)

Semi-bent scissors, which resembled two medium sized knives, fastened inthe middle, slowly stuck into the green flesh ofaplant with triangular sharp spikes. Along stalk cut off at an angle, with ahuge half-blown scarlet bud, fell into an outstretched broad palm inaworn leather glove. Picked up like areal juggler, the flower, turning inthe palm ofhis hand, smoothly moved into anearby bronze jug, almost completely filled with the same red roses.

Here they are, beauties, exactly 41pieces, the man with astrong look whispered softly inavelvety voice and, looking up, looked at the dome, which was painted inabright red color, with aburning crescent moon peeping out from the high, flat wall that had been recently painted inWhite color.

The Sultans Topkapi Palace

inIstanbul met the next dawn.

Today is agreat day, today is the birthday ofthe Lord, may Allah keep his soul! he already spoke louder, taking off his gloves and neatly laying the scissors inasmall wooden box with awide leather belt.

Then the man looked cautiously around, as if frightened ofsomeone.

But there was not asoul around. InHarem, located inaspecial building, the entrance towhich was at the end ofthe second courtyard ofthe richly decorated Gate ofHappiness

, woke up late, despite the huge number ofwomen. It was the most inaccessible yard for strangers. Tosee even one ofthe many concubines was deadly dangerous. Any outsider, who even glanced at the Sultans concubine with one eye, was executed on the spot.

The gardener hurriedly hung the belt with adrawer over his shoulder, took ajug ofroses with both hands and headed for the exit from the garden. He carefully concealed from his outsiders his secret that, despite the strict prohibition, he was very fond oftalking. Yes, its hard tobelieve that life insuch aluxurious palace could be very heavy and gloomy. Even the great Sultan Selim the Terrible

was compelled toobey the ancient custom and speak extremely seldom, since verbosity was considered very indecent, and for communication aspecial form oflanguage was introduced-the system ofnods and gestures. So it was established long ago, and the ruler ofahuge empire was forced tospend most ofhis time incomplete silence. He repeatedly tried toabolish this restriction, but his viziers flatly refused tolift the ban on conversations, arguing the inviolability ofthe canons established earlier.

Maybe because ofthis, the ruler ofthe Ottomans felt avicious disgust towards the Viziers.

It was difficult for Sultan totalk even tohimself, since he almost never remained alone. When he walks through the palace, dozens ofpeople accompany him; When dressed, he is watched bynumerous guards; When he is sleeping, the guards are standing next tohim. This is loneliness under the watchful eye ofservants and guards.

One consoled him: he had complete control over the life and death ofhis subjects, and he enjoyed it without adrop ofembarrassment.


The gardeners eerie hearing caught aquiet rustle that was heard from the opposite side ofthe garden adjoining the tallest building ofthe palace with ahigh tower-the Sultans chambers. He stopped, quietly put avase offlowers on the ground, next toit abox oftools and, taking afew steps back, hid between tall bushes. Aminute later, asilhouette appeared on the path, which moved quickly along the well-groomed path. But when he saw the vase standing inthe middle, the stranger stopped and slowly bent down toher, inhaling the wonderful fragrance offreshly cut flowers.

The gardener sprang lightly from behind the bush and, finding himself behind the stranger, grabbed his left hand byhis forehead, and the right put asharp blade tothe unprotected throat.

Stop, stop! wheezed, the stranger begged. Its me, Fatih, with aletter from our master!

For amoment the gardener froze and slowly withdrew the blade from his throat. On the neck remained athin red line from the point ofthe knife. Fatih jumped from him and, rubbing his neck with his hands, spoke:

How much Iserve inthe palace, Ijust can not get used toyour tricks.

He quickly rubbed his throat, then cleared his throat and continued:

Ihave an assignment from the Lord.

And slowly, pulling from under the floor along embroidered gold coats wrapped inatube paper, gave it tothe gardener.

The gardener examined the scroll from all sides, then brought it closer tohis eyes and examined indetail the small seal with the initials ofthe Sultan. Convinced that she was untouched, with the usual gesture ofher thumb, she snapped it with asoft snap.

Opening it, he carefully read the message. Slowly and almost without interest, he tightly wrapped the sheet and hurriedly put it inthe inner pocket ofhis robe.

Fatih, slightly bent, looked with interest at the Gardeners face, trying toguess the contents ofthe scroll.

Tell the Master that his will will be done, the Gardener said indifferently, looking steadily at the visitor. He knew perfectly well that bythe expression ofhis face one can guess what is contained inthe letter, thats why he learned tohide his emotions from strangers.

vYoure free, he said imperiously.

Fatih shuddered, bowed slightly, backed away and, smoothly turning, disappeared behind the trees.

So tomorrow, Run, thought the Gardener, and mechanically touched the robe inthe place where the scroll was. This will be another routine work, which was alot for my life at the palace.

He stretched himself out and, spreading his broad shoulders, spread his hands tothe sides. There was acharacteristic crunch ofjoints that yearned for physical exertion.

The gardener took abox oftools, then looked at the jug with freshly cut scarlet roses, which could be seen behind the bush.

The servant will take the roses, and its time for me toprepare, he said softly, and, clicking his phalanges offingers, headed for the inconspicuous door inthe wall between the towers ofBaba Salam

. Behind this door there was aspecial room, inwhich only he and his assistants could come.


The gardener was always ready for this letter, he knew perfectly well what Sultana needed not for courting flowers, but for performing special assignments.

He was the Executioner


Only he was trusted toexecute the objectionable and unquestioningly carry out assignments. When he was ordered, he did not think. He was killing.

Yes, the palace had its own rules, even for execution. The executioner had no right tokill with blood the tall faces, relatives ofthe Lord, so they should be strangled with aspecial ritual silk cord. The Sultan did not like blood, especially when he saw her at his relatives.

Unlike the Sultans family, the rest, any people disliked bythe Sultan, including influential viziers, the gardener could kill at his own discretion. And then the blood flowed like ariver

Yes, he was an executioner, he killed those whom the Lord ordered tokill. And the garden was acompensation for these monstrous errands, and for all he was asimple gardener and looked after the flowers.

This took along time, and then acustom appeared, when the condemned Master todeath could escape his fate bydefeating the chief gardener inthe race through the palace gardens. The Vizier was summoned toameeting with the chief gardener and after an exchange ofgreetings he was given acup offrozen sweet sorbet.

If the sherbet was white, the Sultan granted the vizier areprieve, and he had amonth torectify the situation. And if the sherbet was red, then the vizier should be immediately executed. And this was already done bythe gardener. As soon as the condemned toexecution saw the red sherbet, he had totake asip and immediately run through the palace garden between the shady cypress and the rows oftulips. The main goal was toget tothe gate on the other side ofthe garden that led tothe fish market. And if he could run and pass through them, then all his sins were forgiven him. He again became agreat vizier with unlimited powers.

Yes, it is difficult toimagine that the Topkapi Palace, inwhich petitioners from all over the world were received, was aterrible and terrifying place. Inthe main courtyard at the entrance tothe palace, specially made two columns, on which the severed heads ofpeople disobeyed or infidel Sultan were placed. During the periodic purges ofthe palace, from the unwanted or guilty inthe courtyard, entire mounds were built from the languages ofthe victims. The gardener knew all this and remembered that sooner or later the purge would begin.

Inthe corner ofthe garden there was aspecial fountain

, with sparkling spring water. But everyone inthe palace knew that it was forbidden todrink or wash hands init. This fountain was made exclusively for the executioners, so that they could wash their hands and arms after the punishment procedure.


Asmall, bone-bound, heavy door opened noiselessly, and the Gardener, stepping over the high threshold, stepped inside. It was alarge and spacious room, well lit bysquare windows. They were located high under the vaulted ceiling, painted inwhite, and therefore the room was surprisingly light. On the walls hung various devices, at first glance, not at all terrible. But only the executioner knew that the most familiar things can serve as an excellent weapon for killing unwanted Sultans.

The gardener closed the door on the bolt and walked confidently toward the shelving with tools.

Tomorrow is an important day, and Ineed toprepare some tricky traps, he whispered softly and began tomake intricate things.

The executioner sincerely did not want anyone toreach the market gate and escape the just punishment ofthe Sultan.

He was not told who would run, but he knew exactly how tokill him. The executioner was allowed tokill the blood ofall subjects, except for the relatives ofthe Sultan, they were tobe executed only inone way strangulation. Why is it so? The gardener knew the answer: because this type ofexecution since ancient times is considered shameful. The cruelest punishment for aperson is not physical death, it was more terrible that when strangled, the soul can not leave the body, as if remaining inprison. Inthe people ofsuch dead were called hostages. The executioner knew, like no one else, that todie from suffocation was painful and painful. Death does not come instantly, and the convicted person remains conscious for afew seconds. Inthese instants he understands the approach ofhis end and experiences unbearable physical suffering, which ends inaterrible agony. At the same time, he was watched not only bythe Sultan, but also byhundreds ofspectators.

Such punishment was considered an impure death. Often at the time ofstrangulation, all the muscles inthe body relaxed, and this led tocomplete emptying ofthe intestine and bladder, so that even after the execution the humiliation continued.

Whether it was adecapitation with an ax or ax, which was considered aquick and less painful death. Such adeath allowed toavoid public agony, which was important representatives ofnoble blood. The crowd ofspectators, eager for spectacles, should not have seen low dying manifestations. It was believed that only astrong and courageous warrior was prepared precisely for the death ofcold weapons. When the condemned put his head on the block, he showed humility and resignedly accepted punishment. But all the same the main thing depended on the ability ofthe executioner. Often the convict himself or his relatives paid alot ofmoney todo his work with one blow, and death was quick and saved from violent torment. The gardener quickly enforced the sentence. The condemned man laid his head on alog, the thickness ofwhich was tobe no more than six inches

, which was ideally suited tothe head ofaman. Aswing with an ax, ablow-thatsall.

Tomorrows fugitive was not Sultans blood, but he was very noble it was the Vizier, the right hand ofthe Lord, whom he trusted as tohimself. But something happened, and the Sultan suddenly began another purge ofhis associates, justifying his name Selim the Terrible. Most likely, this was implicated inthe heir Mustafa

, the closest pretender tothe throne.

Such cruelty justified itself, because inthe Ottoman Empire there were no bloody wars because ofthe throne, unlike Europe. The recent French Revolution

which began with the murder inprison ofthe 10-year-old son ofthe last French King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, did not have time tostart, quickly drowned inthe blood oftheir own leaders.

The gardener looked at the wall, lined with huge roughly chipped pieces oflimestone. Behind this place was afenced part ofthe palace, which was called Cafe

. It was agolden cage where Sultans relatives lived, whom he had not yet killed

. He kept them next tohim, allowing him toenjoy almost all the blessings ofthe palace inorder tofully control their lives. Mustafa was inthis cage and, most likely, became abargaining chip inanever-ending backstage game.

Selim the Terrible knew how toovertake the fear ofhis courtiers: during his reign, so many great Viziers were executed, that they began tocarry their wills with them.

The gardener took ascroll out ofhis robe pocket and put it inalarge box filled tothe top with the same orders. After amoments thought, he said calmly:

Tomorrow Ineed toshow agood performance, because the audience will be enough. But the most important spectator is, ofcourse, he is the Great Sultan.


The morning turned out tobe extremely cloudy. The sky was clouded bygray clouds that almost did not let inthe sunlight, and the bright garden looked monotonous.

There was no one inthe garden, but this does not mean that no one was following the upcoming action. On the highest balcony was located Sultan with the approximate, and alittle lower on the terraces and from the open windows observed the rest.

The gardener was sitting inaluxurious gazebo on adark green trestle. Tohis right was aclosed vessel with asherbet. Unlike the Vizier, towhom this message was intended, the executioner knew the color ofthe delicacy.

Behind the bushes appeared arecognizable silhouette inabright robe, and it became clear that it was Khachi Salih Pasha. He cautiously, almost silently crossed the threshold, slightly bending his head, and slowly approached the Gardener.



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One is the gardener, the other is the Vizier. The capricious will of the Great Sultan reduces them one by one, and they begin a deadly race for survival. Who of them is a hunter, and who is a victim, will decide Fate. All this happens under the unflinching gaze of the Lord of the Osman and thousands of secret spectators. Who will win? The result of the duel you will learn, after reading my new book «The Gardener», which is based on real historical events.

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